Monday means its PredsOnTheGlass Radio time once again. Please tune in tonight at 7:00 CDT when we will have guests from the far east (East Canada that is).
This week we will have Chris and Adrian Nadeau who run The Hockey Zen and Hockey Tweets web sites among many other ventures out of New Brunswick. Their TwtPool game for daily picks during the playoffs has been a huge hit among participants. They also have a "Chicken Dinner Contest" within the family that is cool. In addition to being avid fans, the two brothers together have several ventures involving internet presence, social media and marketing for their clients. They do videos like this one that are always good.
Chris is a former player that lists this play as his greatest accomplishment on ice as a player. During the 2000 President's Cup final Chris had all the glory of scoring the game winning goal that propelled the Shreveport Mud Bugs to a game six OT victory over the New Mexico Scorpions. However, the goal was actually scored by team mate Dale Henry.
We will also discuss meeting Colin Wilson Sunday afternoon as he met the Nashville press corp for the first time.
After last week's show covering the Phoenix situation we had hoped to have a representative from the Balsillie Make It 7 camp join us but have yet to hear back from them. Regardless, we will have an update on the Phoenix situation on the eve of Tuesday's next court hearing.
With all the doings at the Sommet center and a brief stop backstage at a Montgomery Gentry concert to visit a friend, I was limited to radio for the first game in the Wings-Hawks series. The game went about as I had expected. From what I could tell Detroit played the type of game that they are known for and never really let the Hawks get any momentum going once the 2-2 tie was broken. I'm looking forward to getting back in front of the tube for game two.
Puck Daddy has video of a scary moment when Adam Burish almost had his throat cut a la Richard Zednik. Thankfully, it wasn't that bad. He also awards his three stars of the game.
Tonight's match up will be interesting and could set the tone for the series if Carolina is able to compete early with the Penguins. Both teams had hard-fought seven game series and have had a few days off to recover. On paper, Pittsburgh should be the team to beat, but the Hurricanes seem to have some special karma going that may continue in this series. They were never expected to go this far so it will be interesting to see how they come out in game one.
In Predator News...
Most of the Pred news of the day revolves around the Colin Wilson visit on Sunday. Here is Jim Diamond's take on the interview.
Forechecker has a few comments and sends you back to POTG coverage of Sunday's presser with Colin Wilson and open house activities.
John Glennon has a post season wrap-up of the Milwaukee Admirals and the Pred prospects there.
Around the League...
From Slam there's talk of the rebirth of the Winnepeg Jets. @TheYotesDiva clarifies that Bettman was using Winnepeg as an example, not that it would happen. Take a look at this site "Winnepeg Jets Online". It sure looks like the real thing. They are also on Twitter at @WpgJetsOnline. Holy Cow!
The Vancouver Sun reports that Balsillie feels that "it may be personal". Really? You think?
Memorial Cup action continues. Sunday home town Rimouski stunned Windsor 5-4. Tonight finds Drummondville playing Kelowna.
From Hockey'sFuture the latest prospect ratings for the June draft. Hedman is now listed third.
TweetUp News from @dani3boys "Planning Draft #NHLtweetup in Montreal!! RSVP here if you think you will attend: (Location TBA depending on RSVPs)" I am incredible jealous. This really sounds like a fun trip for those that live a little closer to Montreal.
Late picks from @BrandonFelder "Quick picks since I don't have time to blog it. Canes in 6 and Hawks in 7. That said, I went 1-3 in round 2 w/a 8-4 overall record now."
The Washington Post's take on "Boots" DelBiaggio.
Mike Milbury asks Sidney Crosby if he beats his dog. Wow! What a great question. I never thought to ask Colin Wilson that question. What was I thinking? Milbury is an idiot (as is McGuire)!
Inside Hockey's James Murphy led off The Program's podcast Sunday night. James is one of Jackson's favorites.
Too many returning players? That's what the Knoxville Ice Bears coach says.
Finally, never out of the news, Sean Avery has opened a cozy new hangout.
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
I can't believe I forgot to wish all our north of the border readers a Happy Victoria Day and a Happy Patriots Day to those who prefer that in Quebec.
This should have been headlines but I just saw it. The Hockey Barn does a full article on my favorite tweeter @Dani3Boyz. She is described as as "Hockey's Wonder Woman". It's interesting that I never knew her last name until now. She is really a special person!
Brian Burke has his work cut out for him in the hunt for US gold at the 2010 Olympics.
If Chicago wins the cup, Toronto fans will be devastated. Check it out here.
The NHL Arena now has added a Rally of the Yotes section.
New self-serving poll from Make It Seven.
Forechecker has a good article on the Preds G.O.A.L program. I wish they did it for teens too. Fisher and Jackson have outgrown their equipment and would like to give it a go again but equipment cost are prohibitive for testing the waters again.
In a preview of the Calder Trophy, Steve Mason won the Sporting News Rookie of the Year award. TSN (not the network) will have an award a day this week.
Are the Avs so bad that they need two head coaches? The Denver Post says that Patrick Roy has been offered the head coaching job that Tony Granato still holds (for now, I assume).
Bloomberg story about Balsillie. It is a little more interesting that some of the others and includes info about the original Hamilton team moving to New York in 1925.
Who does NHL 09 have winning tonight? Check out the RLD. With a 20-10 record so far, it may be something to call Vegas on. Also. Ryan unveils a new look at the RLD this afternoon.
NHL Live daily show on from 11-1 CDT on XM204 has a Twitter account at @nhllive.
Rachel at What the Puck marches onward with part 6 of the Preds Year in Review.
With help like this from the Arizona Republic, it is amazing that the Coyotes have anyone show for the games. Could they write a more negative home town story?
Chris at the Program depresses me in this story pointing out how little hockey there is left this year even if it is the best time of the hockey year. After free agency on July 1, we will all have to find a life for about two and a half of months.
Chasta at Love the Game has a really in depth article about NHL Marketing and includes info from Mike DiLorenzo AKA @umassdilo.
Off topic again bu this is really cool. Go to the New York Times and turn the sound on on the Apple Ad and see what happens.
I saw your comment on the twtvite and it would be so great if you could go! I think you doing a POTG Radio Show from Montreal would be *awesome*. Maybe next year?
Buddy, looking forward to the show tonight. Great preview post. Thanks for all the support and the Preds are lucky to have such great fans like yourselves!
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