Breaking News in the desert... The NHL will ask the courts to postpone the "local" bidders auction to September 10 per a new story in the Globe and Mail. The reasoning behind the move is to give the Reinsdorf and Ice Edge more time to work on their bids. Concurrently, they basically state that there is no reason for a second auction involving the Jim Ballsillie bid. I really don't see this flying without a hearing on the matter which will be opposed by Moyes and Ballsillie.
With all the discussion about 106.7 going to Top 40 (I can't imagine what that is) other news came out from WNSR that the Thom Abraham show will now be streamed live on Ustream. This is a good thing for local sports radio because it adds a chat room to the program where the listeners can interact with the show. That is one of my favorite features about using BlogTalkRadio for our weekly POTG show.
In Pred Nation...
Jim Diamond writes that at least two collegiate Predator prospects will be captains of their teams this fall, Blake Geoffrion at Wisconsin and Ryan Flynn at Minnesota. Ryan Thang may also be named a captain at Notre Dame. Leadership and character have always been key ingredients of "the Predator way" so this is a real positive.
John Glennon had a couple of posts at Inside Predators. One had good news that it appears Ryan Jones will be signing a one way contract with the Preds soon. The other was basically said that the Preds had no comments on any dealings with Vinny Prospel.
Paul McCann has a post about the Coyote's situation as well as a few comments on the KHL in the Jiri Hudler saga.
Forechecker has his Friday Breakfast links with several interesting topics.
A couple of new stories at Admirals Short Shifts, one about Josh Gratton and the other on the Ads hiring a new assistant.
Around the NHL...
The day after the NHL Board of Governors met to approve Jerry Reinsdorf as a suitable owner, ex-Coyote owner, Jerry Moyes, filed a brief stating that Reinsdorf's bid was was not a "qualified" bid and could not be approved as a point of law. I guess we will see. Mirtle also writes about Ballsillie having zero alies in the NHL ownership club.
Michelle Kenneth had a great rookie year as an NHL writer for Inside Hockey. She posts part one of her story that includes a trip to Prague and the Winter Classic.
Ryan at the Red Light District ask the question, "Should the NHL Go Back to ESPN?" I personally would like to see better offerings available on the internet with the ability to watch NHL Network 24/7. The NHL Center Ice package also needs to be revised with less blackout restrictions. The only reason sites like ATDHE and other P2Ps have flourished is because of the limits placed on the games at Center Ice. I would like to buy the NHL package but I won't if many of the games I want to see are blacked out.
The Hockey News posted a list of the Top 10 American players and Chris Chelios was number one. I'm sure this could be debated long into the night but i do wish the Preds would give Chris a shot ast the seventh or eight defenseman.
Pictures of this week's NHL Tweetup in New York are now posted here. Thanks Dani. and NHL Network will cover thirty teams in 30 days (alphabetically) starting August 1. Here's a linkable calendar for easy reference.
Craig Custance reports that after appearing to let the NHL arbitration process run it's course with Jiri Hudler, the KHL announced that they had registered Hudler's KHL contract worth $5 million a year with Moscow Dynamo which makes it official. The KHL is really burning bridges and in the long run will cost young Russian players a lot of money by making NHL teams less likely to deal with them. Forechecker also posts on Hudler and the KHL.
Craig also has an interesting interview with Chris Pronger where he poses the question, "Has Chris Pronger hurt his reputation?"
We posted information on the end of Chris Botta's blog NYI Point Blank yesterday. Now Islanders Independent is trying to rally the fans to go to his aid and have the Islanders re-up him for another year. Seventh Woman also throws in her support.
Here's the type of story I always like to see as Jon Jordan salutes his dad on his 60th birthday.
Calum and Mark from Road Hockey Rumble visited XM's HTM today. Here is their interview. Jackson and I need to bring them in for some PredsOnTheGlass Cup action out in front of our house.
Down Goes Brown has another humorous post about how to tell if you are getting hockey advice from a deranged homeless person.
More humor from Buckeyes Are Deadly Nuts with her review of the NHL Puck Bunny (Ice Girls) squads. This is really good.
It's a slow week for hockey news so here is more on the problems Columbus is having with their arena lease from Jeff Little at Inside Hockey.
Here is a list of hockey folks to follow on Twitter posted by Puck Central..
Off topic... I missed posting a Chaco story yesterday (and it is Chaco Week at POTG) so here is one on a place I've never been to called Canyon Pintato in Colorado. It looks like there is tons of rock art that would be fun to explore.
More Later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Thursday Edition
The big news on Wednesday was the Board of Governors paving the way for Jerry Reinsdorf's bid for the Coyotes to be the logical choice for Judge Baum to make at next week's hearing in Phoenix.
The flip side of that is with Ballsillie being snubbed, he now has the ammunition to move forward with all the anti-trust lawsuits that he has in his arsenal against the NHL because they won't let him join the good old boys club.
On the local Nashville front, there was some discussion on Wednesday about the demise of 106.7, the local ESPN affiliate, which did not seem like a big deal to me since we don't receive the signal out here in the sticks but an article at the City Paper this morning lit my fuse on a sensitive issue. The article was about MTSU needing a new home for their athletic broadcast and within the piece it listed off where the other team sports broadcasts were located.
The Predators arrangement with 104.5 that puts them second in line, behind Vanderbilt football and basketball games, is completely unpalatable. For 10 to 15 games a year the Pred's games are broadcast on a low power FM station that cannot be heard south of Franklin. Should an NHL team play second fiddle to a college schedule? I think it is an untenable situation that should be addressed before another season passes. Who is with me?
In Pred Nation...
The Psycho Puck Lady has an interesting story entitled "D-Lister's and the Hockey Players That Wear Them" that starts out with mental midget Kellie Pickler and Jordin Tootoo and proceeds from there. This is a must read on what has been the slowest hockey news morning of the off season so far.
Paul McCann has Ashley Grant, a guest blogger from England, post his assessment of the Preds from afar at his space. Paul was also on Home Ice for the first time in a while yesterday afternoon.
John Glennon has a post on all the money that was spent in Tampa last summer and how little they got in return.
Around the NHL...
The big news on Wednesday came out of Chicago where the NHL Board of Governors met with the prospective buyers for the Coyotes. They gave Jerry Reinsdorf an clean bill of health and Ballsillie a resounding NO! The Ice Edge bid was deemed incomplete. Several folks give their thoughts including Forechecker, Scott Burnside, Paul Kukla, Travis Hair, and the National Post.
I'm not sure what the Ballsillie folks are smoking, but they seemed undeterred by the result of the meeting. In an email from Make it Seven they said, "We do not think that Jim Balsillie's qualification to be an NHL owner is an issue in this case given his 2006 approval as an NHL owner." I'm not sure what account they read, but I didn't see anything close to that.
Chris at The Program, has a repost of Heather McWhorter's email requesting more support for the Coyotes to stay in Glendale.
The death of a blog... Chris Botta of Islanders Point Blank writes his own blog's eulogy as it is coming to an end. This is really a sad piece. I have been a regular reader for a good while and understand his situation. Everyone should give Chris the courtesy of a read. Mirtle adds to the discussion about Botta's unexpected separation from the Isles.
For those on the Island, prepare for the "Just Build It" Ralley on August 4th.
A post in the Edmonton Sun spins conspiracy theories about the owners holding out on free agent signings. I think next year's shrinking salary cap is the only "conspiracy" in play here. Mirtle has a follow to this piece this morning.
Frozen Notes looks at a few fantasy comeback possibilities in the Central Division.
Cap Geek has a new tool at their site that allows you to see recent news stories searched by teams. They are really building a good site.
Interesting question from @TheConfluence: I've always wondered if the Pens would still be in 'Burgh if they drafted Bobby Ryan instead....
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
I love this quote from a Globe and Mail article from Bill Daly, "Mr. Walker must have been at a different meeting than the rest of the Executive Committee," Daly said via email Wednesday night. "Beyond the fact that Mr. Balsillie was never approved by the Board of Governors in 2006, his entire interview today was spent answering questions on the things he has done since 2006 that call into question his bona fides to be an NHL owner. Obviously, the board was not comfortable with approving him as a business partner, as is their absolute prerogative."
The flip side of that is with Ballsillie being snubbed, he now has the ammunition to move forward with all the anti-trust lawsuits that he has in his arsenal against the NHL because they won't let him join the good old boys club.
On the local Nashville front, there was some discussion on Wednesday about the demise of 106.7, the local ESPN affiliate, which did not seem like a big deal to me since we don't receive the signal out here in the sticks but an article at the City Paper this morning lit my fuse on a sensitive issue. The article was about MTSU needing a new home for their athletic broadcast and within the piece it listed off where the other team sports broadcasts were located.
The Predators arrangement with 104.5 that puts them second in line, behind Vanderbilt football and basketball games, is completely unpalatable. For 10 to 15 games a year the Pred's games are broadcast on a low power FM station that cannot be heard south of Franklin. Should an NHL team play second fiddle to a college schedule? I think it is an untenable situation that should be addressed before another season passes. Who is with me?
In Pred Nation...
The Psycho Puck Lady has an interesting story entitled "D-Lister's and the Hockey Players That Wear Them" that starts out with mental midget Kellie Pickler and Jordin Tootoo and proceeds from there. This is a must read on what has been the slowest hockey news morning of the off season so far.
Paul McCann has Ashley Grant, a guest blogger from England, post his assessment of the Preds from afar at his space. Paul was also on Home Ice for the first time in a while yesterday afternoon.
John Glennon has a post on all the money that was spent in Tampa last summer and how little they got in return.
Around the NHL...
The big news on Wednesday came out of Chicago where the NHL Board of Governors met with the prospective buyers for the Coyotes. They gave Jerry Reinsdorf an clean bill of health and Ballsillie a resounding NO! The Ice Edge bid was deemed incomplete. Several folks give their thoughts including Forechecker, Scott Burnside, Paul Kukla, Travis Hair, and the National Post.
I'm not sure what the Ballsillie folks are smoking, but they seemed undeterred by the result of the meeting. In an email from Make it Seven they said, "We do not think that Jim Balsillie's qualification to be an NHL owner is an issue in this case given his 2006 approval as an NHL owner." I'm not sure what account they read, but I didn't see anything close to that.
Chris at The Program, has a repost of Heather McWhorter's email requesting more support for the Coyotes to stay in Glendale.
The death of a blog... Chris Botta of Islanders Point Blank writes his own blog's eulogy as it is coming to an end. This is really a sad piece. I have been a regular reader for a good while and understand his situation. Everyone should give Chris the courtesy of a read. Mirtle adds to the discussion about Botta's unexpected separation from the Isles.
For those on the Island, prepare for the "Just Build It" Ralley on August 4th.
A post in the Edmonton Sun spins conspiracy theories about the owners holding out on free agent signings. I think next year's shrinking salary cap is the only "conspiracy" in play here. Mirtle has a follow to this piece this morning.
Frozen Notes looks at a few fantasy comeback possibilities in the Central Division.
Cap Geek has a new tool at their site that allows you to see recent news stories searched by teams. They are really building a good site.
Interesting question from @TheConfluence: I've always wondered if the Pens would still be in 'Burgh if they drafted Bobby Ryan instead....
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
I love this quote from a Globe and Mail article from Bill Daly, "Mr. Walker must have been at a different meeting than the rest of the Executive Committee," Daly said via email Wednesday night. "Beyond the fact that Mr. Balsillie was never approved by the Board of Governors in 2006, his entire interview today was spent answering questions on the things he has done since 2006 that call into question his bona fides to be an NHL owner. Obviously, the board was not comfortable with approving him as a business partner, as is their absolute prerogative."
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Mid Week Musings - Tweetup Organizer Needed
As I followed along all the goings on at @dani3boyz's New York City NHL Tweetup on Tuesday night, I realized how much more interesting hockey fandom has become with folks who otherwise would have never met coming together to share the common interest they have as hockey fans.
The New York City event is even more unique in that fans of three bitter rivalry teams, the Rangers, Islanders and Devils, can bring fans together and co-exist over a few brews with nothing but a little trash talk to stand between them. Here is a picture and map from @speakofthedevs from where the event was held.
The first Nashville Tweetup event that was held in April was one of the more successful ventures across the country with at least 100 Predator Tweeters showing up and meeting each other face to face, for the first time for most. The Closing Bell Wall Street Pub had a good layout for folks to mix and mingle.
The second Tweetup venture at O'Charley's for the draft party, was a little less conducive for interaction with a different layout and less of a focus on the twitter crowd.
Our original Tweetup leader, George Scoville @stackiii is leaving town and we need new leadership to put together an event similar to the first one, sometime in the second half of August. That should be about halfway between the "Skate of the Union" and the opening of fall camp and would help stave off the pangs of #NHLwithdrawal.
Are their any volunteers to be Nashville's new NHLTweetup organizer? If so, it's time to step up and make yourself know.
In Pred Nation...
Brandon Felder tells the story of the one the Preds let get away in the free agent chase. For the kind of money that was discussed, there are several others that are still on the market that could be had.
Forechecker had a poll on whether the Preds should pursue Vinny Prospal who was bought out by Tampa on Tuesday. The results were not surprising since no one is spending their own money. Dirk's Breakfast Links for Wednesday are here.
What about Jan Hlavac? He played in Europe last year after the Predators did not re-sign him after the 2007-08 season. He produced at a point a game pace in the SEL and seemed to fit into Trotz's system well, playing on the top lines down the stretch two years ago.
Jim Diamond discusses Shea Weber and whether he will be one of the leagues highest paid players when his contract comes up again in two years. Will the Preds be willing to pay that much?
Paul McCann follows the vulture, Jim Ballsillie's travels to Chicago for today's meeting with the NHL.
John Glennon wrote about several topics at Inside Predators, leading off with the high expectations of David Legwand and Mary Erat this season.
The Milwaukee Admirals announced a new web site make-over prior to the season starting in October.
Which player from Nashville is likely to get in the Hockey Hall of Fame? This piece has a list for every team.
Around the NHL...
Tuesday's highlight for me was Ryan at the RedLightDistrict's handiwork that is a plan for visiting all thirty NHL hockey rinks in 30 days. He has routing and pricing information for a month-long journey that would start the day after Christmas. The post had not been up 10 minutes before the Section303 guys were looking for a sponsor to take on the challenge.
The US Hockey Hall of Fame announced this year's inductees that included Tony Amonte, Tom Barrasso, John LeClair and the late Frank Zamboni, creator of the iconic surface machine.
Not that I want the Coyotes to leave Phoenix, but as long as weird proposals are being made, The Puck Report has a suggestion that sounds really off the wall at first but would produce some interesting results while allowing cities to "try out" for a permanent franchise.
The AZ Republic adds some points that would go against the traveling circus that Ice Edge wants to employ as part of their Coyote purchase agreement. Their meeting with the NHL is today in Chicago.
This must be the week for interesting long posts. Defending Big D has a round table interview with Puck Daddy, Dallas Beat Writer Mike Heika, and radio host Bob Sturm about journalism and the new media. The second half of the discussion is fresh this morning. This is one of the best comprehensive looks at traditional vs. new media to come down the pike yet. This is the second major "must read" articles coming on the heels of Tripp Mickle's Boots DelBiaggio expose on Monday.
Craig Custance has a line up of the teams most likely to make the playoffs in the coming season that missed last year. He's not hopeful for the Preds, but doesn't advise betting against them either.
The Hockey News has a glowing report on the St Louis Blues who will be one of the teams the Preds need to get past in the Central division to return to the playoffs.
Ex-Predator defenseman, Andy Delmore signed a contract with Detroit on Tuesday. He was one of the more successful offensive D-men for the Preds in the pre-playoff years. I would have thought he would be older than 32 at this time.
Mirtle had an interesting post of just what each NHL team cost at the last sale.
Off topic... This is now designated as Chaco Culture week with a story about a Chacoan outlier community at Chimney Rock that only lasted about fifty years.
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
The New York City event is even more unique in that fans of three bitter rivalry teams, the Rangers, Islanders and Devils, can bring fans together and co-exist over a few brews with nothing but a little trash talk to stand between them. Here is a picture and map from @speakofthedevs from where the event was held.
The first Nashville Tweetup event that was held in April was one of the more successful ventures across the country with at least 100 Predator Tweeters showing up and meeting each other face to face, for the first time for most. The Closing Bell Wall Street Pub had a good layout for folks to mix and mingle.
The second Tweetup venture at O'Charley's for the draft party, was a little less conducive for interaction with a different layout and less of a focus on the twitter crowd.
Our original Tweetup leader, George Scoville @stackiii is leaving town and we need new leadership to put together an event similar to the first one, sometime in the second half of August. That should be about halfway between the "Skate of the Union" and the opening of fall camp and would help stave off the pangs of #NHLwithdrawal.
Are their any volunteers to be Nashville's new NHLTweetup organizer? If so, it's time to step up and make yourself know.
In Pred Nation...
Brandon Felder tells the story of the one the Preds let get away in the free agent chase. For the kind of money that was discussed, there are several others that are still on the market that could be had.
Forechecker had a poll on whether the Preds should pursue Vinny Prospal who was bought out by Tampa on Tuesday. The results were not surprising since no one is spending their own money. Dirk's Breakfast Links for Wednesday are here.
What about Jan Hlavac? He played in Europe last year after the Predators did not re-sign him after the 2007-08 season. He produced at a point a game pace in the SEL and seemed to fit into Trotz's system well, playing on the top lines down the stretch two years ago.
Jim Diamond discusses Shea Weber and whether he will be one of the leagues highest paid players when his contract comes up again in two years. Will the Preds be willing to pay that much?
Paul McCann follows the vulture, Jim Ballsillie's travels to Chicago for today's meeting with the NHL.
John Glennon wrote about several topics at Inside Predators, leading off with the high expectations of David Legwand and Mary Erat this season.
The Milwaukee Admirals announced a new web site make-over prior to the season starting in October.
Which player from Nashville is likely to get in the Hockey Hall of Fame? This piece has a list for every team.
Around the NHL...
Tuesday's highlight for me was Ryan at the RedLightDistrict's handiwork that is a plan for visiting all thirty NHL hockey rinks in 30 days. He has routing and pricing information for a month-long journey that would start the day after Christmas. The post had not been up 10 minutes before the Section303 guys were looking for a sponsor to take on the challenge.
The US Hockey Hall of Fame announced this year's inductees that included Tony Amonte, Tom Barrasso, John LeClair and the late Frank Zamboni, creator of the iconic surface machine.
Not that I want the Coyotes to leave Phoenix, but as long as weird proposals are being made, The Puck Report has a suggestion that sounds really off the wall at first but would produce some interesting results while allowing cities to "try out" for a permanent franchise.
The AZ Republic adds some points that would go against the traveling circus that Ice Edge wants to employ as part of their Coyote purchase agreement. Their meeting with the NHL is today in Chicago.
This must be the week for interesting long posts. Defending Big D has a round table interview with Puck Daddy, Dallas Beat Writer Mike Heika, and radio host Bob Sturm about journalism and the new media. The second half of the discussion is fresh this morning. This is one of the best comprehensive looks at traditional vs. new media to come down the pike yet. This is the second major "must read" articles coming on the heels of Tripp Mickle's Boots DelBiaggio expose on Monday.
Craig Custance has a line up of the teams most likely to make the playoffs in the coming season that missed last year. He's not hopeful for the Preds, but doesn't advise betting against them either.
The Hockey News has a glowing report on the St Louis Blues who will be one of the teams the Preds need to get past in the Central division to return to the playoffs.
Ex-Predator defenseman, Andy Delmore signed a contract with Detroit on Tuesday. He was one of the more successful offensive D-men for the Preds in the pre-playoff years. I would have thought he would be older than 32 at this time.
Mirtle had an interesting post of just what each NHL team cost at the last sale.
Off topic... This is now designated as Chaco Culture week with a story about a Chacoan outlier community at Chimney Rock that only lasted about fifty years.
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tuesday Tidbits and POTG Podcast
Last night's POTG Radio show was one the more fun ones that we have have done. It's definitely one to check out on the podcast which has about 35 minutes of bonus footage.
We originally scheduled Codey Holland of for the entire hour to discuss the "Skate of the Union" but he had to cut it short due to a death in the family. We ask for prayers for his wife, Brooke and her family in the loss of her grandmother. They will be be traveling and we pray for a safe trip and return.
Oddly enough, we were able to have Launy "The" Swartz from for the last 25 minutes of the show and another 35 minutes in the archive for the podcast. I met Launy at the NHL Awards show and found out about his web site and Hockey 54 Television that will start in September. The site currently has a ton of videos that Launy did including the George Laraque video that was teased during the show.
Thanks to Codey and Launey for one of the more memorable editions of POTG radio. I'm not sure why we were thinking of taking a few weeks off. We would have missed a lot.
Next Monday we are scheduled to have Adam Sherlip aka @hockeyidealist and The Hockey Volunteer who's home page is at The Hockey Foundation. Chasta at Love the Game had an interview with him over the weekend which is a good preview.
In Pred Nation...
First off, Happy Birthday to @AJinNashville who is one of our loyal readers and writes at AllYourBlogsAreBelongToUs as well as a few other places.
The other half of Section303, Jeremy Gover, posted the third in a series of posts on Making the Case. This time it was for Max Afinogenov. I can't believe the Preds would sign him but Jeremy is being persistent in putting names before the Preds that could make a difference. Prior cases were made for Sergi Zubov and Alex Tanguay. Keep up the good work Jeremy. Maybe something will stick with the Preds.
Forechecker had the story on the Metro Law Director questing the legalities of the new super luxury section that the Preds have proposed. Our friend Mike Gifford at the Puck Report reshuffled Dirk's travel numbers to come up with a new variation, 2009 Playoff miles traveled.
Paul McCann pushes a new theme for the Preds, giving a good effort right from the start. Hat's off to that idea.
The best piece of journalism to come down the pike in a long time is Tripp Mickle's piece at the Sports Business Journal about Boots DelBiaggio. It's actually a short book, but don't be deterred by the length as is is a quality read. Forechecker also has his analysis of the situation.
The "Little Preds" hockey school is underway at the old Southern Ice Arena. Jim Diamond has the story. Forechecker's son is involved so we should hear more from him on it before the week is over.
Brandon Felder has tweeted that he will post new information today on a top six forward that the Preds almost signed. We'll be watching for that article.
Around the NHL...
In the ongoing Phoenix saga, Mirtlle reports that Ice Edge and Jim Ballsillie are set to talk with the NHL on Wednesday. The Spec has an update on the games proposed for Saskatooon.
Adam Proteau at The Hockey News takes a look at what the GM's will be wanting in the next CBA with a couple of quotes from Brian Burke.
Chris Wassel at The Program has a top ten list of UFA signings by intelligence. That's something you don't see much of these days, but Chris found at least 10 good ones.
A big day for the Lighthouse project on Monday with the Governor of NY, David Paterson, showing up and supporting the project. Here's another take from Chris Botta.
Jake Duhaime has a nice story about how much Aaron Ward will be missed in Boston.
Stan Fischler received a phone call from Marty Biron who is excited about his move to the Island.
Sean Leahy points us to this odd video of Sean Avery live at Bonnaroo. He blends in better there than he does in the NHL.
Off topic today is an incredible picture of the Space Shuttle docked to the ISS as it crosses the sun.
For those who enjoyed the Chaco Canyon stuff yesterday, here is more about the excavations and what they have found recently.
Another O.T... The Tennessean Lifestyle Department will try a new (old) approach today. Check it out.
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
As a child I was fascinated with the career of baseball legend Satchel Paige and read a couple of books about him. A new book is out entitled "Satchel: The Life and Times of an American Legend." Here is a short interview and audio clip with the author Larry Tye.
From @cellblock303: UFA ALERT: Former Predator Andy Delmore signs w/ Detroit in what is thought to be an AHL move. (per USA Today's Kevin Allen)
I missed this earlier and now I wish I was going. From @dani3boyz: **TONIGHT** It's finally here! Don't miss out on the NYC #NHLtweetup – #NHLwithdrawl Edition! I am sure we will have reports and photos to pass along tomorrow.
If you are Mario Lemieux and you have Sidney Crosby living in your basement, do you really want this type of harassment from a weirded out homeless guy? (H/T to Illegal Curve)
We originally scheduled Codey Holland of for the entire hour to discuss the "Skate of the Union" but he had to cut it short due to a death in the family. We ask for prayers for his wife, Brooke and her family in the loss of her grandmother. They will be be traveling and we pray for a safe trip and return.
Oddly enough, we were able to have Launy "The" Swartz from for the last 25 minutes of the show and another 35 minutes in the archive for the podcast. I met Launy at the NHL Awards show and found out about his web site and Hockey 54 Television that will start in September. The site currently has a ton of videos that Launy did including the George Laraque video that was teased during the show.
Thanks to Codey and Launey for one of the more memorable editions of POTG radio. I'm not sure why we were thinking of taking a few weeks off. We would have missed a lot.
Next Monday we are scheduled to have Adam Sherlip aka @hockeyidealist and The Hockey Volunteer who's home page is at The Hockey Foundation. Chasta at Love the Game had an interview with him over the weekend which is a good preview.
In Pred Nation...
First off, Happy Birthday to @AJinNashville who is one of our loyal readers and writes at AllYourBlogsAreBelongToUs as well as a few other places.
The other half of Section303, Jeremy Gover, posted the third in a series of posts on Making the Case. This time it was for Max Afinogenov. I can't believe the Preds would sign him but Jeremy is being persistent in putting names before the Preds that could make a difference. Prior cases were made for Sergi Zubov and Alex Tanguay. Keep up the good work Jeremy. Maybe something will stick with the Preds.
Forechecker had the story on the Metro Law Director questing the legalities of the new super luxury section that the Preds have proposed. Our friend Mike Gifford at the Puck Report reshuffled Dirk's travel numbers to come up with a new variation, 2009 Playoff miles traveled.
Paul McCann pushes a new theme for the Preds, giving a good effort right from the start. Hat's off to that idea.
The best piece of journalism to come down the pike in a long time is Tripp Mickle's piece at the Sports Business Journal about Boots DelBiaggio. It's actually a short book, but don't be deterred by the length as is is a quality read. Forechecker also has his analysis of the situation.
The "Little Preds" hockey school is underway at the old Southern Ice Arena. Jim Diamond has the story. Forechecker's son is involved so we should hear more from him on it before the week is over.
Brandon Felder has tweeted that he will post new information today on a top six forward that the Preds almost signed. We'll be watching for that article.
Around the NHL...
In the ongoing Phoenix saga, Mirtlle reports that Ice Edge and Jim Ballsillie are set to talk with the NHL on Wednesday. The Spec has an update on the games proposed for Saskatooon.
Adam Proteau at The Hockey News takes a look at what the GM's will be wanting in the next CBA with a couple of quotes from Brian Burke.
Chris Wassel at The Program has a top ten list of UFA signings by intelligence. That's something you don't see much of these days, but Chris found at least 10 good ones.
A big day for the Lighthouse project on Monday with the Governor of NY, David Paterson, showing up and supporting the project. Here's another take from Chris Botta.
Jake Duhaime has a nice story about how much Aaron Ward will be missed in Boston.
Stan Fischler received a phone call from Marty Biron who is excited about his move to the Island.
Sean Leahy points us to this odd video of Sean Avery live at Bonnaroo. He blends in better there than he does in the NHL.
Off topic today is an incredible picture of the Space Shuttle docked to the ISS as it crosses the sun.
For those who enjoyed the Chaco Canyon stuff yesterday, here is more about the excavations and what they have found recently.
Another O.T... The Tennessean Lifestyle Department will try a new (old) approach today. Check it out.
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
As a child I was fascinated with the career of baseball legend Satchel Paige and read a couple of books about him. A new book is out entitled "Satchel: The Life and Times of an American Legend." Here is a short interview and audio clip with the author Larry Tye.
From @cellblock303: UFA ALERT: Former Predator Andy Delmore signs w/ Detroit in what is thought to be an AHL move. (per USA Today's Kevin Allen)
I missed this earlier and now I wish I was going. From @dani3boyz: **TONIGHT** It's finally here! Don't miss out on the NYC #NHLtweetup – #NHLwithdrawl Edition! I am sure we will have reports and photos to pass along tomorrow.
If you are Mario Lemieux and you have Sidney Crosby living in your basement, do you really want this type of harassment from a weirded out homeless guy? (H/T to Illegal Curve)
Monday, July 27, 2009
New Week, New POTG Plus Updates
After another too short weekend, Monday rolls around again with another POTG Radio show tonight. We will have Codey Holland from Section and co-host of the 303:30 podcast.
Tonight's show will be wide open since it's in the middle of the dog days of hockey. Codey, Jackson and I will discuss the Predator's "Skate of the Union" event that was held Thursday night. It was probably the best wrap up of exactly where things stand at this point and what to expect in camp in September.
Beyond that, we will have open phones for the whole hour and would love to hear what is on your mind. Feel free to call in at (646) 716-4523 between 7:00 and 8:00 Central.

In Predator land...
At Section303, Codey's partner, Jeremy takes on the rumor that Eklund want let die a natural death. For weeks we have heard that the Preds were in the running for free agent Alex Tanguay. It ain't gonna happen folks. I promise you.
More tweets from Sully over the weekend about Jed Ortmeyer's wedding in Omaha, Nebraska. I'm pretty sure Dany Heatley didn't show at this wedding either after stiffing his buddy Jason Spezza. However, Sully gives the news that a couple of other Preds attended saying @Sully26: Enjoying the Mr & Mrs Jed Ortmeyer wedding with teammates Ellie and deVo. This morning Sully is @Sully26: In Toronto trying to get my passport renewed. Hope I don't miss my 330pm flight to Timmins. This is like a Twitter version of Where's Waldo.
We pointed out the Pred's potential design of a third jersey on Saturday and Forechecker set up a poll to see how it fared with the fans. Go here for the results. He also has his Monday Breakfast Links here.
Paul McCann has a few comments about the bids for the Coyotes.
Admirals Short Shifts checks in of the SOTU with shout outs to POTG and Forechecker. I've been in touch with Eric Kent and we hope to have him and Ryan Miller on POTG radio in the next few weeks. With the "Road to Nashville going through Milwaukee" we need to stay in touch with them on a regular basis.
Mark Dekanich, who is expected to compete for the Milwaukee Admirals starting position, has a new mask that was designed by the famous designer Dave Gunnarsson. Go here and see what Mark had last season - Dexter da Goalie. There's forty new ones in all so check them out.
Jim Diamond writes about the Under 18 version of Team USA, led by ex-Pred, Bob Bougner which will play in the Ivan Hlinka tournament in a couple of weeks in Slovakia.
John Glennon has more leftovers from the Skate of the Union.
Here's a real oddity, a blog about the Preds in Spanish. After you run it through Google Translate, this is what you get.
Around the NHL...
A must listen to version of Chris Wassel's the Program aired last night. It was their one year anniversary edition and covered a lot of highlights and guest from the past. Go to the podcast and listen while you are at work today. You won't be disappointed. Chris also thanked all those associated with the podcast in a nice post here.
Ryan at the RedLightDistrict finishes off his off season grading series with the West division. Prior grades by division included the Northwest, the Northeast, the Central, the Atlantic, and the Southeast.
Down Goes Brown has one of the funniest things to come out of the hockey blogging world in a long time with an article about the Jason Spezza wedding and how to deal with an assortment of guests and situations that may come up.
Dee Karl looks at "Ricki-gate" on the island where the Islanders have three starting goalies. It looks like Rick DiPietro may not see much action this season. She has another post about the Governor of NY coming to Long Island to support the Lighthouse Project today at 11:00 EDT. With all the jobs being created, I can't believe Obama isn't involved.
In a series of tweets from Phoenix channel 12 news man Brahm Resnic the following information was revealed from his reading of the Ice Edge Bid : @brahmresnik: Ice Edge bid: Very edgy -- want to give Gretzky LT coaching contract w/"lucrative" playoff incentives. Make him major shareholder/ambassador. Team would play "limited number of home games in chosen CANADIAN SISTER CITY." Winterpeg? Saskatoon? Ham'ton? "Offer" is $150M, probably because it's $2M more than JR bid. $10M cash (which they apparently don't have) and debt.
Here's more in a story format from the Globe and Mail. Saskatoon and Halifax are the target cities for 1o games and possibly playoff games. Mirtle has an even better analysis here. Finally, here is another take from the CBC.
Chasta at Love the Game has an interview with @thehockeyidealist Adam Sherlip AKA The Hockey Volunteer who is set to be on POTG Radio on next week's show. I'm looking forward to hearing more from him live.
This is a weird story from TSN. Four pro sports leagues and the NCAA (not considered pro, since the players aren't payed "over the table") have sued the State of Delaware over their plan to implement sports betting. Incredibly the story includes this passage, "Delaware's sports betting plan "would irreparably harm professional and amateur sports by fostering suspicion and skepticism that individual plays and final scores of games may have been influenced by factors other than honest athletic competition." This makes no sense as sports betting is available other places already. Will betting in Delaware raise more "suspicion and skepticism" than any other place where it is legal?
Cool Off Topic Stuff...
Off topic story of the day comes from an internet friend, Christina Solstad. She has an update on the efforts to stop the paving of the road to Chaco Canyon in northern New Mexico. If you have ever been to Chaco, you know what a special place it is and why it should not become the "Disneyland" of Indian ruins like Mesa Verde and so many other ruin sites have become. The fact that the road is a difficult passage is part of the experience of visiting Chaco that should not change. For more information on the road, go to Chaco Alliance. For more about Chaco check out the Park Service web site.
Chaco is an incredible place that I would recommend that anyone with a heart sense of adventure to go and spend a few days. Camping is the best way to experience Chaco. One of the primary things to learn from your visit is how the Chacoans used the sun, moon and stars to guide them in their daily lives.
Chaco is currently one of the darkest place in the US. They have astronomy programs at night with telescopes set up and seasonal astronomers that stay there to teach you about what you are seeing. A highlight is seeing the Milky Way open up the sky so vivid that it looks like a glowing cloud. In the Summer on a clear night, you can see the spiral of the Andromeda Galaxy with the naked eye. It's worth a trip if you are ever in the neighborhood.
Since we are talking astronomy, here is the flip side. Follow this link to see some incredible pictures from the ISS.
From the Tennessean comes a picture series of when Jimmy Hoffa stood trial in Nashville in 1962. That is an odd piece of Nashville history.
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
Tripp Mickle of Sports Business Journal has an incredible in depth story of Boots DelBiaggio's rise and fall as an NHL owner.
Tonight's show will be wide open since it's in the middle of the dog days of hockey. Codey, Jackson and I will discuss the Predator's "Skate of the Union" event that was held Thursday night. It was probably the best wrap up of exactly where things stand at this point and what to expect in camp in September.
Beyond that, we will have open phones for the whole hour and would love to hear what is on your mind. Feel free to call in at (646) 716-4523 between 7:00 and 8:00 Central.
In Predator land...
At Section303, Codey's partner, Jeremy takes on the rumor that Eklund want let die a natural death. For weeks we have heard that the Preds were in the running for free agent Alex Tanguay. It ain't gonna happen folks. I promise you.
More tweets from Sully over the weekend about Jed Ortmeyer's wedding in Omaha, Nebraska. I'm pretty sure Dany Heatley didn't show at this wedding either after stiffing his buddy Jason Spezza. However, Sully gives the news that a couple of other Preds attended saying @Sully26: Enjoying the Mr & Mrs Jed Ortmeyer wedding with teammates Ellie and deVo. This morning Sully is @Sully26: In Toronto trying to get my passport renewed. Hope I don't miss my 330pm flight to Timmins. This is like a Twitter version of Where's Waldo.
We pointed out the Pred's potential design of a third jersey on Saturday and Forechecker set up a poll to see how it fared with the fans. Go here for the results. He also has his Monday Breakfast Links here.
Paul McCann has a few comments about the bids for the Coyotes.
Admirals Short Shifts checks in of the SOTU with shout outs to POTG and Forechecker. I've been in touch with Eric Kent and we hope to have him and Ryan Miller on POTG radio in the next few weeks. With the "Road to Nashville going through Milwaukee" we need to stay in touch with them on a regular basis.
Mark Dekanich, who is expected to compete for the Milwaukee Admirals starting position, has a new mask that was designed by the famous designer Dave Gunnarsson. Go here and see what Mark had last season - Dexter da Goalie. There's forty new ones in all so check them out.
Jim Diamond writes about the Under 18 version of Team USA, led by ex-Pred, Bob Bougner which will play in the Ivan Hlinka tournament in a couple of weeks in Slovakia.
John Glennon has more leftovers from the Skate of the Union.
Here's a real oddity, a blog about the Preds in Spanish. After you run it through Google Translate, this is what you get.
Around the NHL...
A must listen to version of Chris Wassel's the Program aired last night. It was their one year anniversary edition and covered a lot of highlights and guest from the past. Go to the podcast and listen while you are at work today. You won't be disappointed. Chris also thanked all those associated with the podcast in a nice post here.
Ryan at the RedLightDistrict finishes off his off season grading series with the West division. Prior grades by division included the Northwest, the Northeast, the Central, the Atlantic, and the Southeast.
Down Goes Brown has one of the funniest things to come out of the hockey blogging world in a long time with an article about the Jason Spezza wedding and how to deal with an assortment of guests and situations that may come up.
Dee Karl looks at "Ricki-gate" on the island where the Islanders have three starting goalies. It looks like Rick DiPietro may not see much action this season. She has another post about the Governor of NY coming to Long Island to support the Lighthouse Project today at 11:00 EDT. With all the jobs being created, I can't believe Obama isn't involved.
In a series of tweets from Phoenix channel 12 news man Brahm Resnic the following information was revealed from his reading of the Ice Edge Bid : @brahmresnik: Ice Edge bid: Very edgy -- want to give Gretzky LT coaching contract w/"lucrative" playoff incentives. Make him major shareholder/ambassador. Team would play "limited number of home games in chosen CANADIAN SISTER CITY." Winterpeg? Saskatoon? Ham'ton? "Offer" is $150M, probably because it's $2M more than JR bid. $10M cash (which they apparently don't have) and debt.
Here's more in a story format from the Globe and Mail. Saskatoon and Halifax are the target cities for 1o games and possibly playoff games. Mirtle has an even better analysis here. Finally, here is another take from the CBC.
Chasta at Love the Game has an interview with @thehockeyidealist Adam Sherlip AKA The Hockey Volunteer who is set to be on POTG Radio on next week's show. I'm looking forward to hearing more from him live.
This is a weird story from TSN. Four pro sports leagues and the NCAA (not considered pro, since the players aren't payed "over the table") have sued the State of Delaware over their plan to implement sports betting. Incredibly the story includes this passage, "Delaware's sports betting plan "would irreparably harm professional and amateur sports by fostering suspicion and skepticism that individual plays and final scores of games may have been influenced by factors other than honest athletic competition." This makes no sense as sports betting is available other places already. Will betting in Delaware raise more "suspicion and skepticism" than any other place where it is legal?
Cool Off Topic Stuff...
Off topic story of the day comes from an internet friend, Christina Solstad. She has an update on the efforts to stop the paving of the road to Chaco Canyon in northern New Mexico. If you have ever been to Chaco, you know what a special place it is and why it should not become the "Disneyland" of Indian ruins like Mesa Verde and so many other ruin sites have become. The fact that the road is a difficult passage is part of the experience of visiting Chaco that should not change. For more information on the road, go to Chaco Alliance. For more about Chaco check out the Park Service web site.
Chaco is an incredible place that I would recommend that anyone with a heart sense of adventure to go and spend a few days. Camping is the best way to experience Chaco. One of the primary things to learn from your visit is how the Chacoans used the sun, moon and stars to guide them in their daily lives.
Chaco is currently one of the darkest place in the US. They have astronomy programs at night with telescopes set up and seasonal astronomers that stay there to teach you about what you are seeing. A highlight is seeing the Milky Way open up the sky so vivid that it looks like a glowing cloud. In the Summer on a clear night, you can see the spiral of the Andromeda Galaxy with the naked eye. It's worth a trip if you are ever in the neighborhood.
Since we are talking astronomy, here is the flip side. Follow this link to see some incredible pictures from the ISS.
From the Tennessean comes a picture series of when Jimmy Hoffa stood trial in Nashville in 1962. That is an odd piece of Nashville history.
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
Tripp Mickle of Sports Business Journal has an incredible in depth story of Boots DelBiaggio's rise and fall as an NHL owner.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Predator's Future Looked Bright at Skate of the Union
The Nashville Predators held a “Skate of the Union” event Thursday night at the Sommet Center. Several hundred fans attended and received free food, autographs from players and a chance to have their picture made with Steve Sullivan and his Masterton Trophy.
The complete video of the event is available here in a Friday post.
The featured portion of the evening was a round-table discussion that included primary team owner David Freeman, Marketing head Ed Lang, General Manager David Poile, and players Steve Sullivan and J. P. Dumont. A Q. and A. session from the crowd followed.
The hour-long session covered a broad range of topics and gave the fans insight into what Predator’s management is thinking about the upcoming season.
David Freeman opened the session by reminding fans that it had been a quick two years since he first met the fans at the Save the Predators Rally in July 2007. He assured fans on the team’s stability by saying “This franchise is a whole lot stronger now and our best days are ahead of us.”
Freeman also discussed the franchise’s core strengths as an organization. “The Predator Way” includes the best scouting in the NHL, coaches who can develop players in Nashville and Milwaukee, stability and class in David Poile and his staff, and the passionate and knowledgeable fan base.
Steve Sullivan, who returned to the Preds after being out for two years, says that he feels great. On his training, he commented, “I’m doing exactly what I did to get back, if it worked then, then let’s just stick with it.” He thanked Freeman and Poile for bringing him back saying, “There was nowhere else that he wanted to go. The house was never for sale,” referring to his now famous “tweet” after he signed.
J. P. Dumont was asked how the Preds could improve the power play and he smiled and responded, “He’s sitting next to me!” referring to having Steve Sullivan back for the entire season. Dumont also listed Alexander Ovechkin as his favorite player to watch.
What most folks wanted to hear was what the Predators will look like in the coming season. David Poile discussed the team’s strength and which youngsters may have a chance to make the team in camp. . He pointed out the Predator’s philosophy has always been that, “the road to Nashville is through Milwaukee.”
Poile mentioned key prospects in the pipeline. On defense, he discussed Ryan Ellis, Jonathon Blum and Roman Josi. He pointed out that “Sulzer, Franson and Blum may be able to make the jump this year.”
On offense Poile gave accolades to Colin Wilson, Nick Spalling, Mike Santorelli, Cal O’Reilly, Ryan Jones, and Patric Hornqvist all of which will be given a chance to stick with the Preds in camp.
Promising that the Predators were “going to be good” in the coming season, Poile pointed to Pekka Rinne and Dan Ellis as the best in goal in the league. He called Shea Weber, Ryan Suter and Dan Hamhuis the “best young core on defense” in the NHL.
Poile promised big improvements on offense with “our first line intact for the whole season, J.P. Sully and Arnie.” He also expects David Legwand and Marty Erat to have the best seasons of their career.
Poile called Steve Sullivan and Joel Ward “the two best two players available in free agency” and admitted that he was “a little slow” in getting them wrapped up.
Other signings that Poile discussed were Been Eaves who he said was “the best player in Finland the second half of the year.” Peter Olvecky was compared to Joel Ward as a player on the cusp of being ready. Poile also pointed out that former Ranger’s first-rounder, Hugh Jessiman may also be a player that gets a good look in camp.
Poile concluded his analysis by stating that “we are going to do everything we can to return to the playoffs this year. Our ultimate goal is to win the Stanley Cup but our first goal is to get back to the playoffs.”
Notes… The Pred's new third jersey should be out in September and it will be worn for Saturday home games… More FSN games will be in HD this year. The Preds had more HD games last year than the Kings and Ducks combined… Three Nashville kids won national championships at the “Aces Got Skills” competition… Poile described first round pick Ryan Ellis as “Sully as a defenseman”… Next year’s Predators team may be the first time in NHL history where all defensemen are draft choices…
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass and The Columbia Daily Herald
The complete video of the event is available here in a Friday post.
The featured portion of the evening was a round-table discussion that included primary team owner David Freeman, Marketing head Ed Lang, General Manager David Poile, and players Steve Sullivan and J. P. Dumont. A Q. and A. session from the crowd followed.
The hour-long session covered a broad range of topics and gave the fans insight into what Predator’s management is thinking about the upcoming season.
David Freeman opened the session by reminding fans that it had been a quick two years since he first met the fans at the Save the Predators Rally in July 2007. He assured fans on the team’s stability by saying “This franchise is a whole lot stronger now and our best days are ahead of us.”
Freeman also discussed the franchise’s core strengths as an organization. “The Predator Way” includes the best scouting in the NHL, coaches who can develop players in Nashville and Milwaukee, stability and class in David Poile and his staff, and the passionate and knowledgeable fan base.
Steve Sullivan, who returned to the Preds after being out for two years, says that he feels great. On his training, he commented, “I’m doing exactly what I did to get back, if it worked then, then let’s just stick with it.” He thanked Freeman and Poile for bringing him back saying, “There was nowhere else that he wanted to go. The house was never for sale,” referring to his now famous “tweet” after he signed.
J. P. Dumont was asked how the Preds could improve the power play and he smiled and responded, “He’s sitting next to me!” referring to having Steve Sullivan back for the entire season. Dumont also listed Alexander Ovechkin as his favorite player to watch.
What most folks wanted to hear was what the Predators will look like in the coming season. David Poile discussed the team’s strength and which youngsters may have a chance to make the team in camp. . He pointed out the Predator’s philosophy has always been that, “the road to Nashville is through Milwaukee.”
Poile mentioned key prospects in the pipeline. On defense, he discussed Ryan Ellis, Jonathon Blum and Roman Josi. He pointed out that “Sulzer, Franson and Blum may be able to make the jump this year.”
On offense Poile gave accolades to Colin Wilson, Nick Spalling, Mike Santorelli, Cal O’Reilly, Ryan Jones, and Patric Hornqvist all of which will be given a chance to stick with the Preds in camp.
Promising that the Predators were “going to be good” in the coming season, Poile pointed to Pekka Rinne and Dan Ellis as the best in goal in the league. He called Shea Weber, Ryan Suter and Dan Hamhuis the “best young core on defense” in the NHL.
Poile promised big improvements on offense with “our first line intact for the whole season, J.P. Sully and Arnie.” He also expects David Legwand and Marty Erat to have the best seasons of their career.
Poile called Steve Sullivan and Joel Ward “the two best two players available in free agency” and admitted that he was “a little slow” in getting them wrapped up.
Other signings that Poile discussed were Been Eaves who he said was “the best player in Finland the second half of the year.” Peter Olvecky was compared to Joel Ward as a player on the cusp of being ready. Poile also pointed out that former Ranger’s first-rounder, Hugh Jessiman may also be a player that gets a good look in camp.
Poile concluded his analysis by stating that “we are going to do everything we can to return to the playoffs this year. Our ultimate goal is to win the Stanley Cup but our first goal is to get back to the playoffs.”
Notes… The Pred's new third jersey should be out in September and it will be worn for Saturday home games… More FSN games will be in HD this year. The Preds had more HD games last year than the Kings and Ducks combined… Three Nashville kids won national championships at the “Aces Got Skills” competition… Poile described first round pick Ryan Ellis as “Sully as a defenseman”… Next year’s Predators team may be the first time in NHL history where all defensemen are draft choices…
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass and The Columbia Daily Herald
Weekend Round Up
People are still talking about Thursday's Skate of the Union which we presented in video form in it's entirety yesterday. The Predators added selected clips to their site late yesterday along with this clip that was played at the start of the SOTU. The music is from Kings of Leon who have claimed Columbia, Tennessee (where we are) as their home town earlier in their career.
In Pred Land...
On the Forecheck gives his summary of the SOTU and has Links for Breakfast this morning.
Codey at Section 303 gives his take on the SOTU also.
John Glennon has more on the SOTU at Inside Predators.
Jim Diamond discusses which Predator is on the hot seat this year. Steve Sullivan and Pekka Rinne are discussed. My thought is that it is probably David Poile. He has been asked to perform miracles within a budget and has no room for error as he discussed at the SOTU. I'm not implying that his job is in jeopardy, but that he has an almost impossible off ice task.
Steve Sullivan made a quick getaway after the SOTU as he tweeted @Sully26: Spending the weekend in Omaha, Nebraska for the Ortmeyer wedding. I had forgotten that Jed was from Nebraska. Congrats to him and his new bride. CBS Sports has a feature on Sully at their site today.
I guess we have a new team to follow this year, the Windsor Spitfires. Here is an article that discusses their defense which is led by # 1 draft choice Ryan Ellis.
Ex-Preds coach Paul Gardner, signed former Canuck and Duck, Jason King, to play for his team in Germany. It appears that the Preds were interested in him at one point.
Around the NHL...
More off-season grades from the RedLightDistrict. Today, the Southeast is featured. Prior grades by division included the Northwest, the Northeast, the Central, the Atlantic, with the West still to come.
In the desert the bids were submitted to the bankruptcy court by those who wanted to keep the team in Phoenix. The Jerry Reinsdorf bid was as expected. The second bid by a group of investors headed by ex-Blackberry man Anthony LeBlanc may not be all that it appears on the surface as this Globe and Mail story explains. It appears that LeBlanc and Jim Ballsille are more than just working acquantances. In fact LeBlanc joined MakeItSeven before things fell apart in Ballsille's initial run at Phoenix.
The City of Glendale is between a rock and a hard place with two courts telling them to produce and not produce the same information on incentives offered to the two groups that submitted bids to keep the Coyotes in Phoenix. Here's a second story (a record for the AZ Republic) on incentives the city may be able to provide.
Boston and Carolina swapped Aaron Ward and Patric Eaves yesterday and then released Eaves. Boston also signed Derrick Morris to a one year deal. I wonder how Ward and Scotty Walker will hit it off in camp (no pun intened) after their altercation in the playoffs last season.
Late breaking news from Sean Leahy at Puck Daddy on a possible rendition of the Pred's new third Jersey. Sean makes a NASCAR reference on a checkerboard bottom. I doubt Sean realizes the UT connection with the checkerboard end zone. David Freeman is a Vol alumni. David Poile dreamed of a Winter Classic between Detroit and the Preds at Neyland Stadium at the SOTU on Thursday.
There has been a lot of speculation about Dany Heatley attending Jason Spezza's wedding this weekend. It appears now that he won't attend as Mirtle explains here.
Finally today, Eklund posts his eulogy for Burt the Dog who passed away yesterday. Burt's last "Tweet" was @burtthedog: Gotta go guys. Thank you all so much for the support and letting me into your lives. I had the best time..other balls to chase now. Peace. I think that was the saddest thing I ever read on Twitter. Our prayers go out to Eklund and his family in their loss.
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
Does anyone want a Himalayan Lop-ear rabbit - female - 6 mo old, show type bunny, cage, food, whole set up - free to anyone who wants it. It needs a new home with someone that can pay more attention to it. I can provide a picture if you want one.
In Pred Land...
On the Forecheck gives his summary of the SOTU and has Links for Breakfast this morning.
Codey at Section 303 gives his take on the SOTU also.
John Glennon has more on the SOTU at Inside Predators.
Jim Diamond discusses which Predator is on the hot seat this year. Steve Sullivan and Pekka Rinne are discussed. My thought is that it is probably David Poile. He has been asked to perform miracles within a budget and has no room for error as he discussed at the SOTU. I'm not implying that his job is in jeopardy, but that he has an almost impossible off ice task.
Steve Sullivan made a quick getaway after the SOTU as he tweeted @Sully26: Spending the weekend in Omaha, Nebraska for the Ortmeyer wedding. I had forgotten that Jed was from Nebraska. Congrats to him and his new bride. CBS Sports has a feature on Sully at their site today.
I guess we have a new team to follow this year, the Windsor Spitfires. Here is an article that discusses their defense which is led by # 1 draft choice Ryan Ellis.
Ex-Preds coach Paul Gardner, signed former Canuck and Duck, Jason King, to play for his team in Germany. It appears that the Preds were interested in him at one point.
Around the NHL...
More off-season grades from the RedLightDistrict. Today, the Southeast is featured. Prior grades by division included the Northwest, the Northeast, the Central, the Atlantic, with the West still to come.
In the desert the bids were submitted to the bankruptcy court by those who wanted to keep the team in Phoenix. The Jerry Reinsdorf bid was as expected. The second bid by a group of investors headed by ex-Blackberry man Anthony LeBlanc may not be all that it appears on the surface as this Globe and Mail story explains. It appears that LeBlanc and Jim Ballsille are more than just working acquantances. In fact LeBlanc joined MakeItSeven before things fell apart in Ballsille's initial run at Phoenix.
The City of Glendale is between a rock and a hard place with two courts telling them to produce and not produce the same information on incentives offered to the two groups that submitted bids to keep the Coyotes in Phoenix. Here's a second story (a record for the AZ Republic) on incentives the city may be able to provide.
Boston and Carolina swapped Aaron Ward and Patric Eaves yesterday and then released Eaves. Boston also signed Derrick Morris to a one year deal. I wonder how Ward and Scotty Walker will hit it off in camp (no pun intened) after their altercation in the playoffs last season.
Late breaking news from Sean Leahy at Puck Daddy on a possible rendition of the Pred's new third Jersey. Sean makes a NASCAR reference on a checkerboard bottom. I doubt Sean realizes the UT connection with the checkerboard end zone. David Freeman is a Vol alumni. David Poile dreamed of a Winter Classic between Detroit and the Preds at Neyland Stadium at the SOTU on Thursday.
There has been a lot of speculation about Dany Heatley attending Jason Spezza's wedding this weekend. It appears now that he won't attend as Mirtle explains here.
Finally today, Eklund posts his eulogy for Burt the Dog who passed away yesterday. Burt's last "Tweet" was @burtthedog: Gotta go guys. Thank you all so much for the support and letting me into your lives. I had the best time..other balls to chase now. Peace. I think that was the saddest thing I ever read on Twitter. Our prayers go out to Eklund and his family in their loss.
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
Does anyone want a Himalayan Lop-ear rabbit - female - 6 mo old, show type bunny, cage, food, whole set up - free to anyone who wants it. It needs a new home with someone that can pay more attention to it. I can provide a picture if you want one.
Friday, July 24, 2009
TGIF Day Highlights and SOTU Videos
Thursday night's Skate of the Union affair at the Sommet Center was a lot of fun. There was activity throughout the building with autographs by J P Dumont, Mark Dekanich and Cody Franson. Steve Sullivan was posing for pictures with fans and his Masterton Trophy. The biggest draw was the used equipment sale.
If was fun meeting some new folks and seeing friends. The blogging community was well represented with Dirk Hoag, Codey Holland, Mark Willoughby and Wes Cunningham all sitting near us. In closing remarks, Pete Weber even made a comment saying that he saw at least five bloggers in the crowd of several hundred.
There was an hour long round table discussion with David Freeman, Ed Lang, David Poile, Steve Sullivan and J P Dumont. It was all positive with considerable humor thrown in.
Mark from the View from 111 had his post up before I even got home. John Glennon has his highlights of the event here.
I will have my analysis of the event later but here is a Youtube play list of the entire event. (Note that there will be a pause between each of the seven clips as the credits run and it moves to the next video) Fore those who like to see their videos in a more traditional individual fashion, go here to where all seven parts are lined up on one page. They are also a bit larger there.
Other Pred News...
John Glennon had a post at Inside Predators contemplating what Max Afinogenov might look like on the ice for the Preds. It will never happen.
Forechecker has his Friday breakfast links here with a promise of more on the Skate of the Union information later.
Here's a pre draft article from Chris Pope from The Good Point on Ryan Ellis. Nice article and a really well done site. I'll be watching for more from these guys.
Brad Lauer, who has been Milwaukee's assistant coach the last two years, received a call from Ottawa to be the assistant there.
Fanhouse had an article about Shea Weber who they also picked as the 44th best player in the league.
Jim Diamond reveals the secrets of how the three stars of the game are picked.
Paul McCann writes about changing the instigator rule. I'll vote for that.
Around the NHL...
The big news on Thursday was that Marion Hossa was set to undergo shoulder surgery this morning. You have to wonder how much this played in to Dale Tallon's reassignment.
Another post from Fanhouse has Bill Daly's most recent take on the Phoenix situation. Today is the deadline for bids to be in so we should know how many local bidders there will be by the end of the day.
This article shows that Jim Ballsille doesn't limit his litigation to hockey. He stirs it up across the board.
The Globe and Mail has updated figures on the Coyote's losses over the last few years.
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
Happy Birthday to Rachel at What The Puck!
On the morning of the bids being due in Phoenix, Mirtle has an interesting post on the possibility of the Coyotes playing in multiple locations.
Nortel Networks and the Coyotes both rebuke Jim Ballsille for his takeover bids. At what point does Jim start to get the idea that no one wants to play ball (or puck) with him.
If was fun meeting some new folks and seeing friends. The blogging community was well represented with Dirk Hoag, Codey Holland, Mark Willoughby and Wes Cunningham all sitting near us. In closing remarks, Pete Weber even made a comment saying that he saw at least five bloggers in the crowd of several hundred.
There was an hour long round table discussion with David Freeman, Ed Lang, David Poile, Steve Sullivan and J P Dumont. It was all positive with considerable humor thrown in.
Mark from the View from 111 had his post up before I even got home. John Glennon has his highlights of the event here.
I will have my analysis of the event later but here is a Youtube play list of the entire event. (Note that there will be a pause between each of the seven clips as the credits run and it moves to the next video) Fore those who like to see their videos in a more traditional individual fashion, go here to where all seven parts are lined up on one page. They are also a bit larger there.
Other Pred News...
John Glennon had a post at Inside Predators contemplating what Max Afinogenov might look like on the ice for the Preds. It will never happen.
Forechecker has his Friday breakfast links here with a promise of more on the Skate of the Union information later.
Here's a pre draft article from Chris Pope from The Good Point on Ryan Ellis. Nice article and a really well done site. I'll be watching for more from these guys.
Brad Lauer, who has been Milwaukee's assistant coach the last two years, received a call from Ottawa to be the assistant there.
Fanhouse had an article about Shea Weber who they also picked as the 44th best player in the league.
Jim Diamond reveals the secrets of how the three stars of the game are picked.
Paul McCann writes about changing the instigator rule. I'll vote for that.
Around the NHL...
The big news on Thursday was that Marion Hossa was set to undergo shoulder surgery this morning. You have to wonder how much this played in to Dale Tallon's reassignment.
Another post from Fanhouse has Bill Daly's most recent take on the Phoenix situation. Today is the deadline for bids to be in so we should know how many local bidders there will be by the end of the day.
This article shows that Jim Ballsille doesn't limit his litigation to hockey. He stirs it up across the board.
The Globe and Mail has updated figures on the Coyote's losses over the last few years.
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
Happy Birthday to Rachel at What The Puck!
On the morning of the bids being due in Phoenix, Mirtle has an interesting post on the possibility of the Coyotes playing in multiple locations.
Nortel Networks and the Coyotes both rebuke Jim Ballsille for his takeover bids. At what point does Jim start to get the idea that no one wants to play ball (or puck) with him.
Complete Video of the "Skate of the Union"
This is not the best video of the Skate of the Union Event held Thursday night at the Sommet Center, but the audio quality is excellent. It is in seven parts due to the length but it is worth listening to in it's entirety.
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Thursday Means "Skate of the Union" Tonight
Tonight is a big night for Predator fans as there is actually somewhat of a reason to head down to the Sommet Center for the Skate of the Union event. David Poile and others will address the crowd at 7:00 and take questions from the audience.
Steve Sullivan will be posing for pictures with the Masterton Trophy. We have confirmation that Sully is indeed in town as he tweeted @Sully26: Feels good to be back in the state of TN. Even if it's only for a couple days last night.
Several other players will be available also. There will be a used equipment sale starting at 5:00. Seats will be marked as open for sale for anyone wanting to buy tickets. Imagine that!
If you see Jackson and I wandering around, make sure and stop us and introduce yourselves. I'll be the old overweight guy with a scruffy beard and Jackson will be the skinny blond-headed kid with me. I wouldn't want anyone to get the two of us confused.
I enjoyed dropping by The Program on BlogTalkRadio last night for some hockey talk in the midst of the dog days of hockey. Chris had Linda Cohn from ESPN on in the first hour for an extended discussion. The Program will have a special One-Year Anniversary edition on Sunday night at 8:00 Eastern that should be one not to miss.
In Pred Nation...
John Glennon is back at Inside Predators and had a couple of good posts. One was on Shea Weber and his ranking as a top NHL player and the other made a point that the recent Predator signings may have added pressure to our unsigned UFA's Ryan Jones and Cal O'Reilly to go ahead and sign. He also reaffirms that Antti Pihlstrom and Kelsey Wilson are headed to Europe.
Rachel at What the Puck adds humor to the confirmation that Radek Bonk will be playing in the KHL next season.
Paul McCann gives his take on the peculiar disclosure that Marion Hossa is having shoulder problems and will miss a portion of the season with the Blackhawks this year.
Brandon Felder was a last minute fill in at Wednesday's Hockey BuzzCast and did a great job. Follow this link and listen to Episode 312 to hear Brandon in action with Julie Robenhymer.
Dirk had a poll at OnTheForecheck on who fans thought the third line center should be for the Preds. The winner was not Jerred Smithson. Go here to see the results. Dirk has his Thursday breakfast links here.
Jim Diamond celebrates the Collective Bargaining Agreement's fourth Birthday at the Examiner. The negative to that is that we are another year closer to the old one expiring.
Around the NHL...
Wednesday was an odd day in the hockey world. In addition to the Hossa story, the Islanders signed Marty Biron as they continue to stockpile goalies. I think it is safe to assume that Rick DiPietro will not be playing anytime soon.
The Hockey News had a story of the top ten potential forced retirements among the current list of free agents. I'm betting at least half will sign with someone but it makes for good discussion.
Mirtle discusses some of the enticements that the KHL is offeing players to join the league.
The finals have arrived at the RedLightDistrict's Ultimate Playoffs and the last two standing are the 2007 Ducks and the 2000 Devils. Check it out to see who takes the grand prize.
The Devils avoided arbitration with Travis Zajac as they completed a multi-year deal on Wednesday. Like the Preds, the Devs will have a wide open camp with a lot of folks trying to make the team.
The Arizona Republic had a nice story on Jeremy Roenick and the most reported part of it was his quote that Chris Chelios wants to go to the Rangers.
Ryan Dixon predicts gloom and doom for this year's version of the Rangers at the Hockey News.
PensBurgh offers a primer on how SBN works.
Finally, the Erin Andrews story is a sad commentary on our society and what folks can do to invade the privacy of others. Now it appears a USA Today reporter has criticized Andrews for it in spite of the fact that she had nothing to do with it. Kevin Greenstien at Inside Hockey puts the USA Today reporter back in her place.
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
Steve Sullivan will be posing for pictures with the Masterton Trophy. We have confirmation that Sully is indeed in town as he tweeted @Sully26: Feels good to be back in the state of TN. Even if it's only for a couple days last night.
Several other players will be available also. There will be a used equipment sale starting at 5:00. Seats will be marked as open for sale for anyone wanting to buy tickets. Imagine that!
If you see Jackson and I wandering around, make sure and stop us and introduce yourselves. I'll be the old overweight guy with a scruffy beard and Jackson will be the skinny blond-headed kid with me. I wouldn't want anyone to get the two of us confused.
I enjoyed dropping by The Program on BlogTalkRadio last night for some hockey talk in the midst of the dog days of hockey. Chris had Linda Cohn from ESPN on in the first hour for an extended discussion. The Program will have a special One-Year Anniversary edition on Sunday night at 8:00 Eastern that should be one not to miss.
In Pred Nation...
John Glennon is back at Inside Predators and had a couple of good posts. One was on Shea Weber and his ranking as a top NHL player and the other made a point that the recent Predator signings may have added pressure to our unsigned UFA's Ryan Jones and Cal O'Reilly to go ahead and sign. He also reaffirms that Antti Pihlstrom and Kelsey Wilson are headed to Europe.
Rachel at What the Puck adds humor to the confirmation that Radek Bonk will be playing in the KHL next season.
Paul McCann gives his take on the peculiar disclosure that Marion Hossa is having shoulder problems and will miss a portion of the season with the Blackhawks this year.
Brandon Felder was a last minute fill in at Wednesday's Hockey BuzzCast and did a great job. Follow this link and listen to Episode 312 to hear Brandon in action with Julie Robenhymer.
Dirk had a poll at OnTheForecheck on who fans thought the third line center should be for the Preds. The winner was not Jerred Smithson. Go here to see the results. Dirk has his Thursday breakfast links here.
Jim Diamond celebrates the Collective Bargaining Agreement's fourth Birthday at the Examiner. The negative to that is that we are another year closer to the old one expiring.
Around the NHL...
Wednesday was an odd day in the hockey world. In addition to the Hossa story, the Islanders signed Marty Biron as they continue to stockpile goalies. I think it is safe to assume that Rick DiPietro will not be playing anytime soon.
The Hockey News had a story of the top ten potential forced retirements among the current list of free agents. I'm betting at least half will sign with someone but it makes for good discussion.
Mirtle discusses some of the enticements that the KHL is offeing players to join the league.
The finals have arrived at the RedLightDistrict's Ultimate Playoffs and the last two standing are the 2007 Ducks and the 2000 Devils. Check it out to see who takes the grand prize.
The Devils avoided arbitration with Travis Zajac as they completed a multi-year deal on Wednesday. Like the Preds, the Devs will have a wide open camp with a lot of folks trying to make the team.
The Arizona Republic had a nice story on Jeremy Roenick and the most reported part of it was his quote that Chris Chelios wants to go to the Rangers.
Ryan Dixon predicts gloom and doom for this year's version of the Rangers at the Hockey News.
PensBurgh offers a primer on how SBN works.
Finally, the Erin Andrews story is a sad commentary on our society and what folks can do to invade the privacy of others. Now it appears a USA Today reporter has criticized Andrews for it in spite of the fact that she had nothing to do with it. Kevin Greenstien at Inside Hockey puts the USA Today reporter back in her place.
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hump Day Highlights
The midsummer doldrums in the hockey world continue. I was listening the NHLPA head, Paul Kelly, this morning on XM Home Ice and he acknowledged that there were more than the usual amount of free agents still on the market and pointed out that historically there would be a second flurry of signings as camps prepared to open in September.
With the current economic state and unclear nature of next year's salary cap figure, I don't think that we are dealing in a predictable situation with signings this year. With the potential lowering of the cap next year, the bottom end and the mid point will also go down.
For a team like the Predators who's focus is on the mid-point in order to receive revenue sharing, they have to be especially careful not to commit money into next season with no goalies signed and Dan Hamhuis and Jordin Tootoo needing a new contract if they stay with the team.
The last couple of items today are of a true melancholy nature and are are a reflection of how disconnected some folks can become in today's hyper-connected technological society.
In Pred Land...
Mark at The View from 111 has a new post about a case that has made it's way to the US Supreme Court that will have deep reaching ramifications in the pro sports world if the NFL wins their case. That result could have significant impact on how the anti trust exemption that pro sports has enjoyed will be handled. This is a must read for all.
Ryan at The RedLightDistrict discusses the Preds 06/07 team and asks the question will we get back there? I personally think they can, but it will look a lot different the second time around. It will involve homegrown talent and a couple of diamonds in the rough that show up for next to nothing salary wise and blossom like Joel Ward and as Jason at Hendrick's Hockey says that Ben Eaves will do this season.
Dirk has a round up of items at OnTheForecheck this morning. He had some nice things to say about this week's POTG podcast yesterday. Thanks for the props Dirk.
My new friend at Puck Report breaks down Dirk's handy work on miles traveled by division which is a little different perspective. The Central and the West have the tightest bunch of all within the divisions with 5000-6000 miles difference between the high and low teams. The biggest spread is between Washington and Florida in the Southeast with over 14,000 miles.
A late tweet and post from Dirk this morning @forechecker Bye bye, Bonk - RT @dchesnokov Sovetsky Sport: Nashville's Radek Bonk will be in Russia tomorrow to sign with KHL's Lokomotiv Yaroslavl. No surprise here.
Here's a good idea from @cellblock303: Have a question you want answered during the 303:30? Leave us a voicemail. 615-852-PRED (7733)
Around the NHL...
After an odd year last season where Radim Vrbata signed a three year deal with Tampa and left the team and went back to Europe to play after 18 games with the Lightning, he has now been traded back to Phoenix where he scored 27 goals the year before. Tampa got Todd Fedoruk and David Hale in return.
Also from Phoenix, Five for Howling started a series where he looks at each division to see who the Coyotes biggest rivals are. First up is the Southeast with plenty of videos for the off season.
Ken Campbell has a story on unexpected things that occurred as a result of the CBA. One thing that the Predators are using profusely is signing marginal players to two-way contracts. This same tactic led to the blossoming of Jackson's favorite player, Alexander Burrows. Fisher's favorite is Joel Ward who also arrived to the Preds in the same manner.
Goon's World has a guess at the US Olympic team.
Here are more podcasts fron Dan Tencer at CHED to pass time in the summer dog days of hockey.
Stweart Cink's coach, Christopher Noss, has a web site called PGA Roadtrip and adds his latest on the British Open. (It is the off season so golf can be discussed occasionally since that's what a lot of NHL players are spending their off days doing)
Way off topic... The youngest of the Z-Boys, "Baby Paul"Cullen died Monday from a heroin overdose. There are many comments and eulogies here in a Surfermag post. While he was still in contact with folks around him, his addiction left him alone in his own world of terminal substance abuse.
I visited the original Zepher shop in Dogtown a couple of years ago which is more of a museum than a real shop and for anyone that is a skater or has a curious interest, it is worth a visit if you are ever in Venice.
The saddest story ever... A friend named Steve Ruby, that I used to work with every day, less than ten years ago, died about a month ago and word just came out that he was buried on Monday. From sketchy details and rumors, it appears that he died with no relatives or friends to make arrangements for his burial, thus the one month delay. His story should be a reminder to all to really appreciate the folks that each of us have in our lives that love and care about us. This sounds like the epitome of societal disconnection.
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
With the current economic state and unclear nature of next year's salary cap figure, I don't think that we are dealing in a predictable situation with signings this year. With the potential lowering of the cap next year, the bottom end and the mid point will also go down.
For a team like the Predators who's focus is on the mid-point in order to receive revenue sharing, they have to be especially careful not to commit money into next season with no goalies signed and Dan Hamhuis and Jordin Tootoo needing a new contract if they stay with the team.
The last couple of items today are of a true melancholy nature and are are a reflection of how disconnected some folks can become in today's hyper-connected technological society.
In Pred Land...
Mark at The View from 111 has a new post about a case that has made it's way to the US Supreme Court that will have deep reaching ramifications in the pro sports world if the NFL wins their case. That result could have significant impact on how the anti trust exemption that pro sports has enjoyed will be handled. This is a must read for all.
Ryan at The RedLightDistrict discusses the Preds 06/07 team and asks the question will we get back there? I personally think they can, but it will look a lot different the second time around. It will involve homegrown talent and a couple of diamonds in the rough that show up for next to nothing salary wise and blossom like Joel Ward and as Jason at Hendrick's Hockey says that Ben Eaves will do this season.
Dirk has a round up of items at OnTheForecheck this morning. He had some nice things to say about this week's POTG podcast yesterday. Thanks for the props Dirk.
My new friend at Puck Report breaks down Dirk's handy work on miles traveled by division which is a little different perspective. The Central and the West have the tightest bunch of all within the divisions with 5000-6000 miles difference between the high and low teams. The biggest spread is between Washington and Florida in the Southeast with over 14,000 miles.
A late tweet and post from Dirk this morning @forechecker Bye bye, Bonk - RT @dchesnokov Sovetsky Sport: Nashville's Radek Bonk will be in Russia tomorrow to sign with KHL's Lokomotiv Yaroslavl. No surprise here.
Here's a good idea from @cellblock303: Have a question you want answered during the 303:30? Leave us a voicemail. 615-852-PRED (7733)
Around the NHL...
After an odd year last season where Radim Vrbata signed a three year deal with Tampa and left the team and went back to Europe to play after 18 games with the Lightning, he has now been traded back to Phoenix where he scored 27 goals the year before. Tampa got Todd Fedoruk and David Hale in return.
Also from Phoenix, Five for Howling started a series where he looks at each division to see who the Coyotes biggest rivals are. First up is the Southeast with plenty of videos for the off season.
Ken Campbell has a story on unexpected things that occurred as a result of the CBA. One thing that the Predators are using profusely is signing marginal players to two-way contracts. This same tactic led to the blossoming of Jackson's favorite player, Alexander Burrows. Fisher's favorite is Joel Ward who also arrived to the Preds in the same manner.
Goon's World has a guess at the US Olympic team.
Here are more podcasts fron Dan Tencer at CHED to pass time in the summer dog days of hockey.
Stweart Cink's coach, Christopher Noss, has a web site called PGA Roadtrip and adds his latest on the British Open. (It is the off season so golf can be discussed occasionally since that's what a lot of NHL players are spending their off days doing)
Way off topic... The youngest of the Z-Boys, "Baby Paul"Cullen died Monday from a heroin overdose. There are many comments and eulogies here in a Surfermag post. While he was still in contact with folks around him, his addiction left him alone in his own world of terminal substance abuse.
I visited the original Zepher shop in Dogtown a couple of years ago which is more of a museum than a real shop and for anyone that is a skater or has a curious interest, it is worth a visit if you are ever in Venice.
The saddest story ever... A friend named Steve Ruby, that I used to work with every day, less than ten years ago, died about a month ago and word just came out that he was buried on Monday. From sketchy details and rumors, it appears that he died with no relatives or friends to make arrangements for his burial, thus the one month delay. His story should be a reminder to all to really appreciate the folks that each of us have in our lives that love and care about us. This sounds like the epitome of societal disconnection.
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tuesday Takes and More
Thanks to Mark Willoughby of The View from 111 for being our guest on PredsOnTheGlass radio on Monday night. Mark is a compelling guest that is as fluent in the financial world as he is at the rink. He makes the money side of the game come to life and explains the financial turmoil that the NHL is facing in a way that all can relate to.
It was a real treat to hear the verbal explanation of Mark's Sunday story about the CIT situation and how it has and will affect pro sports franchises. Mark really deserves a lot larger Twitter following too. Follow him at @TheViewfrom111.
Mark was a last minute substitution for the Forechecker, Dirk Hoag, who was unable to come on the show. We will have Dirk on soon. Thanks to Mark for jumping in on short notice and doing a great job. He is always ready to talk hockey.
All that and more is available on this week's POTG podcast here. It's a great listen during the dog days of hockey.
In Predator Nation...
The highlight of Monday's posts was Dirk's article at OnTheForecheck that was a takeoff (with a local slant) on a SBJ story about bloggers filling the void left behind by the vanishing print media. Nashville is the poster child for the lessening of inches in the local paper. I asked the Section303 guys how they managed to get a guy holding up a 303 sign in the original SBJ story. It is really there, check it out. Anyway, Dirk's story is very timely and we appreciate the props he gave POTG.
Also a great read is Rachel from What The Puck's roundup of all things Preds from the last couple of weeks. She has more in one blog that I get to in a week. If you are coming back from vacation, read Rachel's column and you will be caught up on all the Pred happenings.
The Preds got approval for the super luxury seats that cost $20k per year. Mark and I discussed this on the podcast aftershow last night and it will be interesting to see the response once these pricey little babies go on the market.
On Monday, the Preds added to their stable of low dollar two-way contract signees with the addition of Ben Eaves. Last season, he was a point a game producer for the combined regular and post season for the Espoo Blues of the Finish Elite League. He was a team mate of goaltender Mikko Koskinen who went 31st overall to the Islanders in last month's draft. He has a great pedigree so we'll see what he does as he is given the opportunity to make the Preds in a wide open camp.
The Predators completed their youth hockey school last week. Jackson attended one year when he was an active player.
Finally, don't forget Thursday night's Skate of the Union at the Sommet Center. I love a reason to head down to the rink in the middle of summer.
The Preds also announced that the partial ticket plans are now on sale.
Hendricks Hockey has a rumor that Scott Harnell or Scotty Upshall may return to the Preds. I think Hartnell is way out of the question with Upshall not too far behind.
Jim Diamond has part two in his series on the Olympics and the NHLPA/NHL.
Paul McCann has a different take on Hockey in the Olympics. As radical a departure as it seems on the surface, it really could make sense.
New Predator Ben Guite recently returned to U-Maine for their annual Alumni game.
Around the Hockey World...
Ryan at the RedLightDistrict started his off season grading with the Atlantic division. We are going to have him on POTG Radio soon to run through all 30 teams as part of our 2009-10 preview series. updates their list of the best of the remaining UFA's. I don't see the Preds shopping off that list and I really don't blame them unless someone comes in way under market value.
Brian Metzer has a repost of a great article that I enjoyed the first time it was up. It's called "A Gift from My Father" and is a must read for fathers, sons and everyone else.
Puck Daddy has a story about Wayne Gretzky wanting the Coyotes to build like the Pens. That headline will certainly grab you.
Mirtle had a post about the KHL eyeing European markets. The Hudler thing may have been a brief distraction while the KHL is waiting for a bigger fish to fry.
Jackson found the following YouTube gem...
Happy Birthday to Chris Wassel's mother who turns 64 today.
Finally, just to go as far off topic as possible, this is a really bizarre story about ex-Prez Jimmy Carter leaving the Baptist Church. Isn't that a breach of something like, "Love and Marriage... goes together like a horse and carriage." The apocalypse can't be far off.
More Later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
It was a real treat to hear the verbal explanation of Mark's Sunday story about the CIT situation and how it has and will affect pro sports franchises. Mark really deserves a lot larger Twitter following too. Follow him at @TheViewfrom111.
Mark was a last minute substitution for the Forechecker, Dirk Hoag, who was unable to come on the show. We will have Dirk on soon. Thanks to Mark for jumping in on short notice and doing a great job. He is always ready to talk hockey.
All that and more is available on this week's POTG podcast here. It's a great listen during the dog days of hockey.
In Predator Nation...
The highlight of Monday's posts was Dirk's article at OnTheForecheck that was a takeoff (with a local slant) on a SBJ story about bloggers filling the void left behind by the vanishing print media. Nashville is the poster child for the lessening of inches in the local paper. I asked the Section303 guys how they managed to get a guy holding up a 303 sign in the original SBJ story. It is really there, check it out. Anyway, Dirk's story is very timely and we appreciate the props he gave POTG.
Also a great read is Rachel from What The Puck's roundup of all things Preds from the last couple of weeks. She has more in one blog that I get to in a week. If you are coming back from vacation, read Rachel's column and you will be caught up on all the Pred happenings.
The Preds got approval for the super luxury seats that cost $20k per year. Mark and I discussed this on the podcast aftershow last night and it will be interesting to see the response once these pricey little babies go on the market.
On Monday, the Preds added to their stable of low dollar two-way contract signees with the addition of Ben Eaves. Last season, he was a point a game producer for the combined regular and post season for the Espoo Blues of the Finish Elite League. He was a team mate of goaltender Mikko Koskinen who went 31st overall to the Islanders in last month's draft. He has a great pedigree so we'll see what he does as he is given the opportunity to make the Preds in a wide open camp.
The Predators completed their youth hockey school last week. Jackson attended one year when he was an active player.
Finally, don't forget Thursday night's Skate of the Union at the Sommet Center. I love a reason to head down to the rink in the middle of summer.
The Preds also announced that the partial ticket plans are now on sale.
Hendricks Hockey has a rumor that Scott Harnell or Scotty Upshall may return to the Preds. I think Hartnell is way out of the question with Upshall not too far behind.
Jim Diamond has part two in his series on the Olympics and the NHLPA/NHL.
Paul McCann has a different take on Hockey in the Olympics. As radical a departure as it seems on the surface, it really could make sense.
New Predator Ben Guite recently returned to U-Maine for their annual Alumni game.
Around the Hockey World...
Ryan at the RedLightDistrict started his off season grading with the Atlantic division. We are going to have him on POTG Radio soon to run through all 30 teams as part of our 2009-10 preview series. updates their list of the best of the remaining UFA's. I don't see the Preds shopping off that list and I really don't blame them unless someone comes in way under market value.
Brian Metzer has a repost of a great article that I enjoyed the first time it was up. It's called "A Gift from My Father" and is a must read for fathers, sons and everyone else.
Puck Daddy has a story about Wayne Gretzky wanting the Coyotes to build like the Pens. That headline will certainly grab you.
Mirtle had a post about the KHL eyeing European markets. The Hudler thing may have been a brief distraction while the KHL is waiting for a bigger fish to fry.
Jackson found the following YouTube gem...
Happy Birthday to Chris Wassel's mother who turns 64 today.
Finally, just to go as far off topic as possible, this is a really bizarre story about ex-Prez Jimmy Carter leaving the Baptist Church. Isn't that a breach of something like, "Love and Marriage... goes together like a horse and carriage." The apocalypse can't be far off.
More Later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
Monday, July 20, 2009
Hello Monday! POTG Radio Tonight
Another Monday, another edition of PredsOnTheGlass Radio is on tap for tonight. We will have Dirk Hoag of On The Forecheck who just released his NHL super schedule that is a complete spreadsheet that can be crunched in numerous ways to evaluate travel, back to back games, and other stuff.
Dirk has a massive boost in his analytics at his site and has had great response and accolades from hockey writers across North America. This is something that he does annually and folks are laying wait for the analysis when the NHL schedule is released.
Dirk is fresh off a recent appearance on the 303:30 so we will discuss a wide range of topics and try not to duplicate what's already been discussed. We will have open lines so if you have a question for Dirk, this will be your chance to ask.

British Open ...
On Sunday, for the first time since the Stanley Cup Finals, game 7, I watched a compelling sporting event on TV and was really pulling for Tom Watson to win the British Open. In one of the biggest come aparts in recent sports history after missing a putt to cinch the win at 18, Watson fell apart during the four hole playoff.
Watson remained a hero to golf fans everywhere, even in the loss by the class he showed on the course and after it was over. The first question in the presser was not the best and opened the door for a terse response but Watson was cool as a cucumber. He was asked something like "did he run out of gas due to his age?" Watson bit his tongue and said "It certainly looked like it."
Stewart Cink AKA @stewartcink was a very deserving winner, playing to be in a position to tie when Watson missed and then perfectly in the four hole playoff. Congrats to him and his family on the big win. It was great that his wife led him to his faith and that he gave God the glory for the win.
From @stewartcink: Not sure what to say yet but this picture should do the trick...

Final reminder that today is the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. If you aren't following the activity on the web site We Chose the Moon you are missing a piece of history worth checking out.
In Pred Nation...
Dirk, our guest tonight, has his Monday breakfast links at OnTheForecheck. He asks what free agent will the Preds pursue? My answer would be none anywhere close to the top 100.
Mark at The View from 111 gives his analysis of the potential Citi bankruptcy and the fallout that it would have in the NHL with specific examples. Mark always does a great job of making difficult financial matters understandable.
Ryan at the RedLightDistrict has been on vacation and returns with a segmented look at the Predators schedule. Something about the schedule that I've just notice in the last few days that I don't like is teams playing out of conference games going down the stretch. Why in the world would we play Florida at the end of March? Detroit also plays Philadelphia in the last week.
Paul McCann takes a look at the NBC/Versus TV contract situation and has some good things to say about Versus over ESPN.
Tweet from @cellblock303 on Friday: "Pred UFA Radek Bonk in talks with KHL team Lokomotiv ....hmmm"
Around the NHL...
In a departure from the heated KHL/NHL feud, KHL President Medvedev says that he will let the NHL Arbitration process in the Jiri Hudler case play out before enforcing Hudler's KHL contract. I doubt peace is really breaking out on a permanent basis.
Mirtle takes a look at what's left of his top 100 UFAs. I would say several will be headed to Europe of the KHL in order to draw a paycheck this season. He also posts the schedule for Arbitration hearings that begin today. It appears very little excitment will be generated from the decisions coming from this list.
Jim Diamond takes a look at the future of NHL player participation at the Olympics in part one of a story at the Examiner. The NHLPA issued a suggestion on pre-Olympic camp participation because of injury potential but Jim discusses other angles as well.
So for the answer as to why there is so little hockey news here in the dog days of hockey, we turn to @Sean_Leahy Every hockey reporter in business is sitting by a lake somewhere about now...
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Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
Dirk has a massive boost in his analytics at his site and has had great response and accolades from hockey writers across North America. This is something that he does annually and folks are laying wait for the analysis when the NHL schedule is released.
Dirk is fresh off a recent appearance on the 303:30 so we will discuss a wide range of topics and try not to duplicate what's already been discussed. We will have open lines so if you have a question for Dirk, this will be your chance to ask.
British Open ...
On Sunday, for the first time since the Stanley Cup Finals, game 7, I watched a compelling sporting event on TV and was really pulling for Tom Watson to win the British Open. In one of the biggest come aparts in recent sports history after missing a putt to cinch the win at 18, Watson fell apart during the four hole playoff.
Watson remained a hero to golf fans everywhere, even in the loss by the class he showed on the course and after it was over. The first question in the presser was not the best and opened the door for a terse response but Watson was cool as a cucumber. He was asked something like "did he run out of gas due to his age?" Watson bit his tongue and said "It certainly looked like it."
Stewart Cink AKA @stewartcink was a very deserving winner, playing to be in a position to tie when Watson missed and then perfectly in the four hole playoff. Congrats to him and his family on the big win. It was great that his wife led him to his faith and that he gave God the glory for the win.
From @stewartcink: Not sure what to say yet but this picture should do the trick...

Final reminder that today is the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. If you aren't following the activity on the web site We Chose the Moon you are missing a piece of history worth checking out.
In Pred Nation...
Dirk, our guest tonight, has his Monday breakfast links at OnTheForecheck. He asks what free agent will the Preds pursue? My answer would be none anywhere close to the top 100.
Mark at The View from 111 gives his analysis of the potential Citi bankruptcy and the fallout that it would have in the NHL with specific examples. Mark always does a great job of making difficult financial matters understandable.
Ryan at the RedLightDistrict has been on vacation and returns with a segmented look at the Predators schedule. Something about the schedule that I've just notice in the last few days that I don't like is teams playing out of conference games going down the stretch. Why in the world would we play Florida at the end of March? Detroit also plays Philadelphia in the last week.
Paul McCann takes a look at the NBC/Versus TV contract situation and has some good things to say about Versus over ESPN.
Tweet from @cellblock303 on Friday: "Pred UFA Radek Bonk in talks with KHL team Lokomotiv ....hmmm"
Around the NHL...
In a departure from the heated KHL/NHL feud, KHL President Medvedev says that he will let the NHL Arbitration process in the Jiri Hudler case play out before enforcing Hudler's KHL contract. I doubt peace is really breaking out on a permanent basis.
Mirtle takes a look at what's left of his top 100 UFAs. I would say several will be headed to Europe of the KHL in order to draw a paycheck this season. He also posts the schedule for Arbitration hearings that begin today. It appears very little excitment will be generated from the decisions coming from this list.
Jim Diamond takes a look at the future of NHL player participation at the Olympics in part one of a story at the Examiner. The NHLPA issued a suggestion on pre-Olympic camp participation because of injury potential but Jim discusses other angles as well.
So for the answer as to why there is so little hockey news here in the dog days of hockey, we turn to @Sean_Leahy Every hockey reporter in business is sitting by a lake somewhere about now...
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Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
Sunday, July 19, 2009
A Short One on Sunday Morning
Today's post qualifies as the shortest post ever. I think we'll see a few more of these miniatures during the dog days of the off season.
In Predator Nation...
Big news today is a new 303:30 Podcast, featuring Dirk Hoag and Brandon Felder. As you would expect in a summer edition, a wide range of topics is covered. Check it out. It is a great listen.
Something that isn't discussed much is that Steve Sullivan was on the 1992-93 Memorial Cup Championship team, the Sault Ste. Marie Greyhounds. Last weekend, they had a reunion with 22 of the 25 players returning for the event. When it was all over, Sully picked up the whole tab.
Around the NHL...
Ken Campbell at The Hockey News has an even handed look at the NHL TV contract that will be up for renewal on NBC and Versus in two years. The Versus contract being up after the 2010-11 is the reason that the NHL went with only two years on this week's NBC contract renewal.
I'm continuing to follow the Apollo 11 mission, 40 years later, at We Close the Moon. Here is a page from NASA and an AP story that tells where all the main players in the mission are today.
In the golf world, its been great seeing Tom Watson flirt with winning the Open Championship. After leading at the end of the second and third rounds, he fell out of the lead early today and is now back in a tie after a collapse at #5 by Ross Fisher. Whether he wins or not, its been a victory for all us older guys. Watson makes Chris Chelios seem like a youngster.
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Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
In Predator Nation...
Big news today is a new 303:30 Podcast, featuring Dirk Hoag and Brandon Felder. As you would expect in a summer edition, a wide range of topics is covered. Check it out. It is a great listen.
Something that isn't discussed much is that Steve Sullivan was on the 1992-93 Memorial Cup Championship team, the Sault Ste. Marie Greyhounds. Last weekend, they had a reunion with 22 of the 25 players returning for the event. When it was all over, Sully picked up the whole tab.
Around the NHL...
Ken Campbell at The Hockey News has an even handed look at the NHL TV contract that will be up for renewal on NBC and Versus in two years. The Versus contract being up after the 2010-11 is the reason that the NHL went with only two years on this week's NBC contract renewal.
I'm continuing to follow the Apollo 11 mission, 40 years later, at We Close the Moon. Here is a page from NASA and an AP story that tells where all the main players in the mission are today.
In the golf world, its been great seeing Tom Watson flirt with winning the Open Championship. After leading at the end of the second and third rounds, he fell out of the lead early today and is now back in a tie after a collapse at #5 by Ross Fisher. Whether he wins or not, its been a victory for all us older guys. Watson makes Chris Chelios seem like a youngster.
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Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Weekend Updates and Moon Landing Anniversary
As a child growing up in the 60's, I wanted to be an astronaut and was absolutely fascinated with every detail available about the space program. For those who can't imagine life without the internet, news in the 60's was limited to the daily newspaper, radio and three network television channels.
I have been reliving my early teen years the last couple of days by having the "We chose the moon" web site running continuously on my computer that offers every audio transmission for the entire moon mission as it happened 40 years ago along with an animation of each event.
In the middle of the 40th anniversary weekend, Walter Cronkite passed away yesterday. One of the stories that I remember him for was the Apollo 11 moon landing. This is how Walter handled it on July 20, 1969. The really hokey animation and graphics makes it even more amazing that we were able to go to the moon and back with that type of 'cutting edge technology."
In Pred Nation...
Potential owner Brett Wilson is still in the mix to pick up 5% of the Preds but the league has been distracted by the Phoenix situation according to this John Glennon piece. Still no word on the Boots DelBiaggio stake that is still tied up in the courts.
Jeremy at Section 303 makes a case for the Preds picking up Sergei Zubov to bring a little experience to the group of young defensemen. I personally like the player that everyone loves to hare, Chris Chelios. After the shock wore off, he would become a fan facorite for $750,000 or less. If he and Barry Trotz could get on the same page it would be an incredible pick up for the team. Think how much it would add to the Chicago and Detroit rivalries.
After they posted several interviews from the developmental camp, Hockey's Future accesses the Predators 2009 draft. The more I read, the happier I am with our choices.
Dirk has a Saturday update at On The Forecheck and is linking to stuff in French. He has really gotten a lot of good press the last few days on his analysis of the schedule, most of it in English.
Paul McCann talks about the Pred's recent "depth" signings and invite you to be the GM.
Gopher Sports has an interview with the Pred's second pick, Zack Budish. Most is about Minnesota hockey and his transition from high school but he does discuss his week at the Pred's camp.
Around the NHL...
Chris Johnson broke a story yesterday that potential Olympians have been advised by the NHLPA to skip the on ice part of the training camps due to "insurance concerns".
In the desert, more details have been released on the second set of bidders that want to keep the team in Phoenix. The group describes their proposal as being "out of the box" and they would want Wayne Gretzky as a "cornerstone".
From The Deal comes an article that includes a mention of the Preds and discusses that sports teams would find money tight if Citi Financial is allowed to bankrupt. Here's the link to the original story from Reuters with hockey being the main point of discussion.
Stan Fischler asks "is Roberto Luongo the Edsel of Hockey?" I see where he is going with the argument but it seems a little harsh at this point.
Eklund apoligizes for his "false positive E-5" on the Tanguay signing on Thursday. He's still mentioning Nashville as an outside chance (like when hell freezes over, I would add).
The Knoxville Ice Bears new head coach, Marc Rodgers, is pulling a few shifts at the fire hall in the off season as this WBIR video report shows.
Off topic, but a huge story to anyone living in Nashville in 1975 was the murder/rape of Marcia Trimble. Nashville's innocence was forever changed by the act and the news coverage that followed. Gail Kerr has a good article explaining the closure that today's conviction of Jerome Barrett as the perpetrator. Here's more detail on the case for those who are not from here.
I found this link from a post on Kukla's. Is it possible for anyone to be as stupid as Kelly Pickler? Why in the world did Jordin Tootoo give her the time of day. Watch this video to see what I mean.
Stunning wisdom from @TheYotesDiva: "Life would be easier if you could mark people as spam." Kelly Pickler would be high on the list of spam after watching the above video link.
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Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
The lunar orbiter that ASU is in charge of has generated pictures of the stuff left on the moon as discussed in this AZCentral story. Cool video and slideshow also.
Here's a commentary by Charles Krauthammer on the country's lack of vision with the future of the space program.
I have been reliving my early teen years the last couple of days by having the "We chose the moon" web site running continuously on my computer that offers every audio transmission for the entire moon mission as it happened 40 years ago along with an animation of each event.
In the middle of the 40th anniversary weekend, Walter Cronkite passed away yesterday. One of the stories that I remember him for was the Apollo 11 moon landing. This is how Walter handled it on July 20, 1969. The really hokey animation and graphics makes it even more amazing that we were able to go to the moon and back with that type of 'cutting edge technology."
In Pred Nation...
Potential owner Brett Wilson is still in the mix to pick up 5% of the Preds but the league has been distracted by the Phoenix situation according to this John Glennon piece. Still no word on the Boots DelBiaggio stake that is still tied up in the courts.
Jeremy at Section 303 makes a case for the Preds picking up Sergei Zubov to bring a little experience to the group of young defensemen. I personally like the player that everyone loves to hare, Chris Chelios. After the shock wore off, he would become a fan facorite for $750,000 or less. If he and Barry Trotz could get on the same page it would be an incredible pick up for the team. Think how much it would add to the Chicago and Detroit rivalries.
After they posted several interviews from the developmental camp, Hockey's Future accesses the Predators 2009 draft. The more I read, the happier I am with our choices.
Dirk has a Saturday update at On The Forecheck and is linking to stuff in French. He has really gotten a lot of good press the last few days on his analysis of the schedule, most of it in English.
Paul McCann talks about the Pred's recent "depth" signings and invite you to be the GM.
Gopher Sports has an interview with the Pred's second pick, Zack Budish. Most is about Minnesota hockey and his transition from high school but he does discuss his week at the Pred's camp.
Around the NHL...
Chris Johnson broke a story yesterday that potential Olympians have been advised by the NHLPA to skip the on ice part of the training camps due to "insurance concerns".
In the desert, more details have been released on the second set of bidders that want to keep the team in Phoenix. The group describes their proposal as being "out of the box" and they would want Wayne Gretzky as a "cornerstone".
From The Deal comes an article that includes a mention of the Preds and discusses that sports teams would find money tight if Citi Financial is allowed to bankrupt. Here's the link to the original story from Reuters with hockey being the main point of discussion.
Stan Fischler asks "is Roberto Luongo the Edsel of Hockey?" I see where he is going with the argument but it seems a little harsh at this point.
Eklund apoligizes for his "false positive E-5" on the Tanguay signing on Thursday. He's still mentioning Nashville as an outside chance (like when hell freezes over, I would add).
The Knoxville Ice Bears new head coach, Marc Rodgers, is pulling a few shifts at the fire hall in the off season as this WBIR video report shows.
Off topic, but a huge story to anyone living in Nashville in 1975 was the murder/rape of Marcia Trimble. Nashville's innocence was forever changed by the act and the news coverage that followed. Gail Kerr has a good article explaining the closure that today's conviction of Jerome Barrett as the perpetrator. Here's more detail on the case for those who are not from here.
I found this link from a post on Kukla's. Is it possible for anyone to be as stupid as Kelly Pickler? Why in the world did Jordin Tootoo give her the time of day. Watch this video to see what I mean.
Stunning wisdom from @TheYotesDiva: "Life would be easier if you could mark people as spam." Kelly Pickler would be high on the list of spam after watching the above video link.
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
The lunar orbiter that ASU is in charge of has generated pictures of the stuff left on the moon as discussed in this AZCentral story. Cool video and slideshow also.
Here's a commentary by Charles Krauthammer on the country's lack of vision with the future of the space program.
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