If you aren't familiar with Launy's work and unique style of interviewing, go here to see some of his recent work at the NHL Awards show in Las Vegas. Credit should also go to Dahlia Kurtz, his producer/camerawoman who is his biggest advocate (other than us, of course).
Here is a video from The Score with Launy answering a few questions from last year's Drafted winner. His submission video is also included at the link. While you are there make sure and vote for Launy in the lower right hand column.
Congrats to Launy for making the top ten. You have our full support as you go forward. I can't wait until one day we can say that we knew you before you were famous.
More later...
Buddy Oakes for PredsOnTheGlass
He's like a less preposterous nardwuar, Canada's other favorite energetic interviewer. I mean that as the highest compliment.
sam: love it. awesome compliment.
buddy: wooooooooooooo. thank you.
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